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Posts posted by Feltan

  1. Originally posted by Speedy:

    I would really love to see some red airpower, hinds, su-25's and such.

    Be careful how you ask for it. In a fit of spite at all the negative comments, I could see BF create some crashed aircraft on map and tell you -- "There, there is your Red air power" while you look at a smoking hulk of a SU-25 in the middle of the desert. smile.gif



  2. Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

    Another question is to assess the success of these various policies, according to their goals.

    In this aspect, the success of French policy can be discussed, but the failure of the US become more and more difficult to question anymore (apart from some old donkeys neverending same braying)...

    The relative success or failure of policies is going to be answered by historians, not us. However, long term, I am not so sure you can characterize the "success of French policy," or "failure of the US."

    What is the world going to look like in ten or twenty years? If the Iraqi government becomes solvent, and a (relatively) free and democratic country is born in the Muslim Middle East - won't critisism of U.S. policy today sound petty and shortsighted? If Muslim youths in Paris continue to riot and demand the adoption of Sharia law, will French policy seem so enlightened?

    You know, in the context of WWII, England and France are routinely taken to task for not confronting Hitler sooner. Why didn't France attack Germany when the Rhineland was reoccupied? Well, the "safe" choice for the allies was not to act. Appeasement of evil was preferable to risk taking decisive action. Viewed from the 1935-1939 timeframe it may have made sense -- it was the safe play for politicians. The fact that it didn't work out well for France and England is clear now; however, imagine the outcry if Fance and England had moved against Hitler when Germany was still weak.

    What would have happened if Sadaam was still vertical and running Iraq? I suppose we'll never know for sure, but the prospect of a stable and peaceful Middle East seems too much of an assumption. And, the amount and type of flak that Bush and the U.S. is catching now is probably why France and England decided to pass on confronting Hitler in the late 1930's when they could; it is the same reason former President Clinton tried to sweep terror under the rug and only take minimal action during his tenure. For politicians, it sucks being the target of critisicm from those on the sideline.

    I hope I am not coming across as an "old donkey braying." The final account of today's policies probably won't be apparent for a generation. And, I am not convinced that today's conventional wisdom about the status of things is entirely correct.



  3. Originally posted by Dingchavez:

    Yep, sorry for not being in Irak searching for non-existent WMD and restoring DEMOCRACY, but I'm fed up with ppl always saying the same damn things about my country, particularly when the US soldiers I had the luck to meet where nice guys and we had great time together...

    Anyway, there's no much chance to see French troops in CM:SF than having the 1.03 patch this week ;)

    It is a trueism that soldiers from different countries almost always have more in common with each other than with their respective civilian counterparts. A U.S. soldier would indeed have more in common with a French soldier than some of the enclaves of anti-military sentiment that are scattered around the U.S. -- well, OK, scattered around California.

    The rift between the U.S. and France will take a while to heal. I don't think it is permanent, nor particularly severe. However, Chirac's policies and pronouncements did put distance between two long-time allies.



  4. Originally posted by Dingchavez:

    Uh oh !

    Seems we have some rednecks in the place, bring the beer on and enjoy the show (Fox News show obsviously :-p ).

    Nope...these aren't rednecks.....pretty mainstream comments actually. And if you understood American culture, you'd know that Fox News is way too liberal for the redneck crowd.



  5. Originally posted by RommL:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

    As a matter of interest, France deployed over 14,000 troops in Gulf War I. If Paris had a dirty bomb set off in it I'm sure they would deploy again.

    it is right.

    if there werea conflict , counters the stability of the world , the France would be to bring its assisance. ;)

    is CMSF a play thus why not to put France inside , for a political reason ? :rolleyes: </font>

  6. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Feltan:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    Will all the guys complaining about lack of point purchase in CM:SF please present your mathematically perfect system that everyone can agree on? Because some of the whining about M-18 Hellcats and Hetzers in CM:BO still resonates on this board.

    If anyone can present a logical and balanced system for point purchase that they prove can be workable, fun, and manageable, I'd love to see it presented here in Excel or whatever format you choose.

    I'm deadly serious. If you think it can be done - prove it. Doesn't require any coding. It's not an unreasonable request. You'd be doing the community a favour, and going a long way to convincing BF.C that they "should" include it, by proving first that it "can" be done.


    You do remember that Steel Panthers had a point based QB system & a point based dynamic campaign (where units actually appeared in all the scenarios). That was what, ten years ago? It was probably the main reason I played that game. I don't find the requests for something similar here that far off the mark of expectations. And, frankly, I am a bit perplexed by the pushback on such a seemingly modest request.


    Feltan </font>

  7. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    Will all the guys complaining about lack of point purchase in CM:SF please present your mathematically perfect system that everyone can agree on? Because some of the whining about M-18 Hellcats and Hetzers in CM:BO still resonates on this board.

    If anyone can present a logical and balanced system for point purchase that they prove can be workable, fun, and manageable, I'd love to see it presented here in Excel or whatever format you choose.

    I'm deadly serious. If you think it can be done - prove it. Doesn't require any coding. It's not an unreasonable request. You'd be doing the community a favour, and going a long way to convincing BF.C that they "should" include it, by proving first that it "can" be done.


    You do remember that Steel Panthers had a point based QB system & a point based dynamic campaign (where units actually appeared in all the scenarios). That was what, ten years ago? It was probably the main reason I played that game. I don't find the requests for something similar here that far off the mark of expectations. And, frankly, I am a bit perplexed by the pushback on such a seemingly modest request.



  8. I am playing on Elite WEGO.

    Second mission is tough for sure. Some of the later ones are challenging, but only if your goal is to minimize U.S. losses. Also, some of the victory conditions are not well stated -- so you think you are completing the mission, but get graded on something not in the mission order.

    Gotta keep casualties low. When a Stryker gets nailed with the dismounts inside, I can't help but think that some limp-wristed wanker from CNN is there with a camera to tell the tale of American incompetence and how it is all Bush's and Rumsfeld's fault; and then cut to scene with Pelosi in tears and Harry Reid looking for his testosterone pills in a news conference.



  9. Tired of debates on RT vs WEGO? Do you actually like 1:1 representation? Cool....let's get down to the game. A few questions...

    1. Mortars. I hope someone can explain to me about the "armor" target option. IIRC, 81mm and 4.2" fire HE, and that ICM (anti-armor, Improved Conventional Munitions) are for 155mm. So, if you choose anti-armor with a mortar, what type of round is it firing?

    2. On occasion, I have had a Stryker or Bradly stuck. Not immobilized nor bogged....it is in command, but won't respond to a movement command. I've noticed this twice now, both times the unit is in close proximity to a trench. Any one else see this? Any ideas?

    3. Any way to insure an M1 tank gets off the first shot? I think it is mission 3 or 4 in the campaign ... T-72's roll onto the map. I had two M1's up on the small rise in an overlook position, but the T-72's came on and plunked my Brad and a Stryker right off the bat. Only after about a turn or so the M1's opened up and took out the T-72's. I was hoping for a first shot....any way to insure (or at least increase the odds) of one? A bit disappointing. I was expecting this, had the right tactics, but didn't get any reward for having an overwatch team with LOS to the avenue of approach.

    4. Smoke dischargers. Not sure if it my graphics selection, but the smoke dischargers seem a bit weak. IRL when these go off there are blinding arcs of smoke, but the game representation is like hand thrown smoke grenades. Are you seeing something similar, or is my graphics card too slow to show a more spectacular display?

    5. AFV open vs. closed? I was never a tanker, but IIRC tankers like to stay opened up unless dismounts are close by. Does it give you a real advanatage in the game? It seems the sensors and target acquisition tools are all meant for closed hatch operations. All I've seen are dead TC's by opening up and trying to increase battlefield awareness.




  10. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sirocco:

    The only problem I can see with RT in favour of WEGO is the loss of looking at every 60 seconds of action from each and every viewpoint. I will sometimes pause RT to get an appreciation of what's happening and to issue more complex orders - supporting fires or assigning a spread of targets. Now if you could rewind the last minute and view the playback as you might view a WEGO playback that would be ideal. I find myself wishing for that now in RT.

    And to anyone who thinks that playback is unrealistic, just remember that a company commander can get on the radio and ask one of his platoon commanders to tell him what happened in the last 60 seconds - which is functionally the same thing... </font>
  11. Originally posted by Panzer76:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Feltan:

    Those people, and the Gamespot reviewer, should stick with a game that suits them: Barbie's Pony Adventure.

    *sigh* Yes, ofcos, its the reviewrs fault for "dissing" your fav game, they just dont "get it", right?

    Funny how many ppl that does not "get it". And funny how GS were competent when they reviewed CMx1, and gave rave reviews. But the moment they point out obvious flaws that has been said time and time again on this forum, they can only review kids games etc.

    Great post. </font>

  12. One get's the feeling that the Gamespot reviewer would be happier playing with ogres and gremlins than realistic military forces that, on occasion, don't respond in an expected manner.

    I have commanded a company in the field. The amount of "control" one has is about 10 times less than in CMSF. You are quite lucky if you simply know where everyone is, let alone what they are doing at any given point in time. That makes some people very uncomfortable. Those people, and the Gamespot reviewer, should stick with a game that suits them: Barbie's Pony Adventure.



  13. Don't be too upset about it. If you do breach a wall, and order your troops to pass through the breach, chances are 50/50 they will auto-path to an existing gate and get nailed by an IED. You really have to babysit units as they pass through a breach.



  14. Perspective.

    I think there is a logical fallacy comparing the Stryker to a Bradley. It wasn't intended, and can't, really compare on many levels.

    Rather, I think a Stryker comparison needs to be made against .... a truck. For God knows that if there was a need for motorized/medium forces, our boys would be in the back of 5-tons if they didn't have Strykers. And while expensive, I'd rather be in a Stryker than a truck any day.

    I wonder if some of our Vietnam vets can comment here. I have heard tons of stories of guys in deuce-and-a-halfs with sandbagged floors and sides tooling around the Vietnamese countryside when M113's were not available, authorized or practicle in a given terrain.

    New motto to stop silly arguments: A Stryker is better than a truck!



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