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Posts posted by fire11

  1. Don't come out of hiding often here, after reading these messages, it remineded me of a situation the other evening which was good for a M1 but bad for the T90.  While backing out of a bad situation with my damaged M1 through the clearing smoke I see a couple 90's down the road.  In desparation I fire off a round and not only take out the first 90 but the one behind as well.  Rather saved the day.  Penetration was through frontal armor but could not tell if turrent or main body of the 90's.

  2. Originally posted by Pete Wenman:

    Guys hi

    Spent most of the week working on this, a large rural map, with close terrain and infantry action in mind.

    1200x900 metre



    I'm working on a couple of scenarios, but if anyone wants the map, drop me a line, and feel free to use it/amend it anyway you like

    I've tried to see what the editor and a little lateral thinking will allow to be created, hence the toll booths, and downed highway bridge. Lots of little details, but let me know what you think

    Good detail, can you send me copy to fire11@vnet.net?
  3. Nope, the tanks would not go through either. It was just like the wall was still there. No visible rubble remains either (not a big thing as long as I can drive through the "hole"). This was all done during a quick battle.

  4. Fighting a quick battle which included a walled area(not a building wall). My infantry did not have any demo charges, but I thought, no matter, I have Abrams. I move a tank forward and proceeded to blast a hole through the wall. I then tried to run a hummer through to scout the area but it would not recognize the hole. No problem, I will just blast it bigger. After blasting an area the size of 3 Abrams, I tried again. Well, still no units would recognize the hole. :eek:

    Is this a bug, normal, or did I try the wrong thing. In another scenerio, I could not get the infantry with demos to even blast a wall.

    Any comments?

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