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Lone Commissar

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Posts posted by Lone Commissar

  1. So I installed the game and went to play it. I checked the configure options and left them as they were: 1024 x 768 etc. I then see how grainy things look in game and decide to change them. I change my resolution ingame to 1680 x 1050 (which my screen supports) and it tells me to restart, I restart. I then enter the game again to see it has gone back to the default 1024 x 768. I then proceed to use the auto-detect and use the configure game option all of which fail to change the settings. Is this unavailible in the demo? Or am I doing something wrong?

  2. Hello,

    I've thought about buying this game recently and it looks and feels really good. I downloaded the demo and played through the training fine, but when I played the Smashed/ing Metal I decided I play the Red Force. However to my dismay all of my vehicles were taken out of action before they could do much because a Stryker on the ridge would kill my crews inside their vehicles so then an Abrams would just finish them off. Now I can understand an Abrams popping a T-72 or BMP-1 but an MG punching through armour?

    Can someone please say this is fixed in the full patched version or give me some tank survival tips.

  3. Would it be possible in an expansion or patch or something to implement a Skirmish mode increasing replayability by a huge amount. Afterall the points systen is already there to chose your forces you can choose from the maps already there all we need is for the AI to be able to choose its own units. So is this possible?

  4. Hello everybody I'm very knew to this game and have only played a few missions but I have a problem which is quite annoying.

    How is it that you can move around crew members and squad members? Which buttons is it I have to use to get this to work?

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