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Posts posted by corday

  1. Hubert,

    Thank you so much for the response. I did in fact have the dx7vb.dll file in my SC2 directory. Running the program as Administrator did not solve the problem. Neither did turning of UAC. But the problem was the dx7vb.dll file! In order for Vista to 'recognize' this .dll on my computer, I had type the following command in a command window:

    regsvr32 dx7vb.dll

    Once I did that, the program ran! Just another Vista oddity?! :D

    Thanks again for the response! It's nice to see great customer support these days. Now, I'm off to try SC2 out for real...

  2. Hi,

    I tried the demo of SC2 and liked it so I thought I would buy it. The demo ran fine, but the game won't run at all. I have the latest version (1.06) and Windows Vista. Here's the error I get:

    [06/24/2007 12:46:36; 6.0.6000; 0x0x32(0); v1.06] FAILED(make): 0x8007007e The specified module could not be found.

    Any ideas?

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