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Posts posted by Dasher

  1. Thanks Wolfseven for the reply.I've tried everything that you mentioned but still no joy!

    I have everything upto date,Drivers etc.

    I just hope that The ToW staff is trying to rectify the problem which I'm sure they are.

    It seems they're having problems with the newer chipsets.

    I wish them luck as they seem to have alot of people on the chip right now.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I purchased ToW per pre order and got it the day it was released.

    I have the same problems as many of you here,Though many seem to run it great.

    I got it loaded as Admin,all glitz set to low,running on 1 core..... When I try to run the program it goes to black screen then crashes back to desk top and changes my resolution.

    My first ? is will my ATIX1600 run ToW?

    My second is,If it's supposed to be able to run it, what am I missing? :confused:

    my specs are as follows....

    intel core 2 cpu t7600 @ 2.33 mhz

    2 gigs of ram

    microsoft vista 32bit home premium edition

    It has no other problems running any other programs or applications.

    I was wondering if this problem is being adressed for the intel chipset as well as AMD?

    It would be a shame if I can't run this program because it looks like it kicks major butt when it works.

    any help would be appreciated.

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