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Posts posted by Hassen

  1. Originally posted by Flanker15:

    Well if someone's up to it all it would take is a reskin of the units and changing the ground textures to desert textures. You'd have to play on the same maps but you can strip off any trees/house that are unwanted.

    Oh and the 88Flak would be necessary!

    OMG did SOMEONE SAY 88FLAK >.> <.< OMG OMG OMG!!!11

    no but seriously i know why they didn't do it and it's a damn good reason but I am almost willing to pay someone to put that in game, that was a very big part of many battles in the latter stages of the war.

  2. Na, it's a very good point! I too have had this problem, on one of the German missions all my light armored vehicles were either disabled, immobilized, or shot to bits. So now I'm stuck with four too five infantry squads which I know I can use to take the tank out, but at the cost of much of the % of men i have left (a lot of the squad members were also wounded - critically wounded) so i had to pick up some Russian anti tank grenades (seeing as how my great and wise German high command saw it fit to not supply us with them O.o) and rush the tank with all my inf. it worked but I lost some of my best soldiers in the process 4 and 5 campaign soldiers to be exact. So i totally agree with your point... Just my two cents smile.gif

  3. Dumb question... How do you choose where your tank shoot at on other tanks... I hear about this but don't know how... Tho have beat both german and russian campaign without it so idk. but if someone knows i would like to be let in on this red tape top security secret >.>

  4. Originally posted by SirReal:

    On Veteran difficulty. The russians are attacking from the top left. As positioned, those five tanks (all PzIVC or PzIII) are hidden until the russian tanks (BT-7 and T34/41) drive past them at extremely close ranges (<50m), showing their flanks and rears.

    I would have expected a lot of dead russian tanks, with little or no losses. What would you expect?

    I did the same setup on realistic... Or the hardest one there is... idk Did you have you tanks on hold fire/hold position? cause you have to let the T-34 come really close before engaging... when i did this last time i had 2 Pz III and 2 Pz IV and one smaller Pz cant remember but i lost the small one and my two Pz III's were immobilized but still could deliver AP fire and thus made easy work of the T-34 and idk when the B-7s got killed man... i think the two AT guns i confiscated from the dirty russkies took em out that Zis is a effin wreker. But yeah so i did it with only 1 tank actually lost and a couple crew dead in one of the III's.


    Well. In this game, it turns out, the standard outcome is five dead german panzers for maybe one BT-7 and one T34 (if you're lucky).

    Yes. Realistic indeed.

  5. The more I read, the more I am seeing that the disgruntled customers (ie lunatics, cry babies, maniacs) are out numbering the fanboys, shills, and sycophants three to one.

    "I'm sure they will start censoring us off the board real soon with that rate.

    I just hope that Battlefront doesn't produce a flawed product like this one, it was bad enough that they lent their name to it, which has damaged their credibility, if their developed products are going to be of the same ilk, I will never buy a Battlefront product again, as it is, I will never pre-order or buy one of their games without playing the demo again."

    Well if they only censor you, then I will be happy.

  6. Originally posted by Ghost1:

    Quote by Rune...

    "Show me ONE person from Battlefront who is posting under another name not speaking the truth.

    So you would agree that people from battlefront ARE posting under a different name...

    Game set and match I believe??????...ban away if you must..TRUTH HURT DOES IT ?????????????

    It would require an (and) between 'name' "AND" 'not' to be what your trying to say it is smart guy. :/

    But hey, All of the post you have done have been real smart, so I don't blame you.

  7. Originally posted by Chazman:

    Of course the AI can kick grogs arse, there is no LOS restrictions, it's like the whole map is barren terrain!

    I'm starting to wonder if you even played the game, there is LOS/LOF in the game and it has alot of factors that play into it... Sure it's not perfect and yes I have had tanks shoot anywhere from 500m + thru trees. But it is much much much better then many games out on the market atm.
  8. The only things I have noticed is

    - Yes, Pathways would be nice.

    - Eh, buildings would be ok, but not serious at all.

    - couple unit animations, nothing serious.

    - would love... LOVE to see 88mm AA/AT gun if thats the only thing they add I'll be in heaven.

    - LOS/LOF issues which I have heard they are working on.

    - this is just like X-mas... And some sorta way to camo your tanks up with shrubs and branches.

    Alot of this I'm sure will never see the game, as it is one persons personal preference, and the world doesn't revolve around one person.

    Oh and Btw Great game guys. lovin' every minute of it.

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