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Posts posted by ADDAX

  1. Whoa... lotsa action since I last dropped by...

    Anyways, thanks for all the tips.

    Molloy's method of selecting the "Anti-tank team" worked great.

    It's also worth pointing out that though it looks like you've split your squad when you do this,(two separate infatry icons float above the squad) the squad is not permanantly split. After the squad fires at their targets in the action phase, the squad is returned to a single unit in the next orders phase.

    I'm glad this is the case since managing split squads, if you don't need to send the teams in different places, is a bit of a pain. Not to mention the fact you can't remerge split squads.

    Such nice collapsing buildings... smile.gif

  2. Does anyone know a realiable method of getting striker teams to area fire their Javelins at buildings?

    I've been able to make it happen a few times, but not 100%.

    For example in the 2nd Campaign mission I've tried dismounting a squad a good distance outside the wall, to have them area target the rooftops of some buildings inside the wall where I've spotted infantry. My squad has los and fires small arms at the building, but even though I've aquired the CLU and Javelin ammo, they won't launch any missiles.

    Any tips?

  3. Hi gang,

    Since I've installed the patch, TOW can't find any of my campaign progress or saved games.

    Initially TOW was storing all my user data in a folder under the Windows Users/Local Settings/Application Data directory (sorry can't remember the exact path since I'm at the office now).

    However, now it seems to be using the users folder within the Theatre of War directory in ProgramFiles(x86).

    I've tried copying the contents of the original folder into the newer one, and it updates the player name, but it's still not picking up any of the savegames.

    Has anyone run into this? Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.


  4. Here is a solution I've found to my horrible framerate issues with my core2duo 6300, and geforce 8800GTS.

    When I start the game and load a scenario, the initial framerate is unbelievably slow ~5fps.

    If I open the in game video options panel, and check off the "use one cpu" box and click apply, then go back in to the game, the framerate has increased to around 10-15fps.

    Finally, if I return to the ingame options panel and uncheck the "use one cpu" box and click apply, when I return to the game the framerate again increases to over 20fps or higher... perfectly playable.

    So long as I don't restart the game, loading a new scenario will remain at a good framerate.

    This seems like very strange behavior, but perhaps the game is not properly initialising it's multithreading code when it starts up. Perhaps resetting the system once a map is loaded is forcing it to properly recognise the cpu.

    Hope this helps someone... I'm curious to know if this situation occurs on anyone else's machine.

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