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Posts posted by Adaephon

  1. Okay, so I know there's a lot of flaming hot rage flying around these forums at the moment. I've launched a tiny bit myself. But against the spirit of the moment I thought I'd propose a more helpful post.

    Long story short, QBs aren't worth playing. It doesn't take much digging on here to find that out, takes less time of actually playing a QB to discover this fact for yourself. So, that leaves the Battles and Campaign. Campaign is straight forward-ish, at least the enemy is deployed, which is a step forward from QBs. So that leaves Battles which I thought I'd dedicate this little post to.

    I realise there are Battles which ask that you play as a particular side only when facing off against the AI, but there are some where this is not stated and the AI I've faced persists in its lack of AI. So what I propose is that we co-operate to highlight these Battles so that others may know what to avoid.

    Other than QBs.

    So, I'll start the ball rolling.

    Abu Susah, the first on the list, can not be played against the AI as Syrians. I've yet to try it as US, but against them they don't attack, just sit in the deployment zone. (Also have a fair issuse with the deployment options as Syrians, in that they're very limited. It's almost as though the design was to force the AI to deploy correctly, should they be Syrian, which isn't something I've seen the AI be capable of alone as yet.)

  2. I'm having a similar problem to Commissar, though while playing as the US. The defenders deployment is appalling, there's no other word for it. Tanks flaunting their flimsy behinds my way from the word go and refusing to turn even when they realise where my forces are coming from (this was already known in CMx1, what gives?!) and Syrian infantry opting for lying prone in short grass as supposed to setting up on or in buildings or at least within some form of cover. Oh, and once my Strykers opened fire on the aforementioned infantry, do they realise the folly of their ways and make a genuine attempt to find better cover, say maybe the building 10 feet to their left? The answer, tragically and depressingly, is no.

    In fact, the only response I've witnessed from the AI when playing against Syrians in QB is return fire. Thats it. Thats not enough.

  3. I would have to agree that the LOS presentation, as it stands, is an issue. Yes, I do understand the need for active LOS in a game of this type, having been a fairly avid player of the CM series, but I believe they got it right there in ways they've failed to here.

    Okay, so again there was no huge indicator you could turn on to gauge the visual range and what could be seen and what would not with CM, but this was backed up by the turn based nature. Watching the turns back over you always had the time to spot anything you may not have first time through. Or Second. Or third.

    I just don't think it works well in real time. At the very least, if it were to I would imagine a similar system to CMs sound contacts is necessary. I believe that if sight is not clearly indicated then there must be something to back that up and to compensate for the instant reactions required to situations in an RTS, as supposed to CM where you were given time to plan and think on your response to the development of a squad appearing out from cover

    [ April 19, 2007, 09:22 AM: Message edited by: Adaephon ]

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