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Posts posted by BuckO

  1. Operation Citidel has been my most exiting battle to date. It took me appx. 2 hours to complete & I made multiple saves, so that I would get to the battles end w/ most all of my tanks. Countless times I was overun and lost most of my armour. Thanks to the "save" I just started again and devised a better strategy.

    My strategy, w/ turned out to be quite effective, was to keep my engagements close( 500M or so ). I also used the terrain and engaged 1 ( in rare instances 2) target(s) at a time w/ as many tanks as possible. This took some patience and planning.

    Sometimes I would run a tank across an enemies path to draw there turrent away from my main attack direction.

    This worked fantastically well, as the enemy gunners were not able to hit my moving decoy, & I was able to pound them with my main assault from a staionary point, since they would be pointing there gun away form me.

    1 by one I destroyed 30 enemy tanks and tank destroyers.

    So with just the town & its 75mm cannons left; I snuck down the eastern side of the map using the terrain for concealment. You can get very close to the eastern trenches this way.

    I took out the 1st two guns w/ ease using 2 tigers & a PzIV. Then I ran my infantry up to the estenmost trench and captured 1 cannon ( the other was blow up in my assault). Working west over the trenches w/ 6 tanks it was a slaughter.

    The battle ended w/ 30 enemy armour destroyed, I captured 2 cannons, 1 destroyer and 1 T34.

  2. how bout the ability to repair a tank, if its not damaged beyond all hope.

    Also when setting up your units before a batttle it would be nice to see a hard number on the soliers ability as well as the graph. That way I can judge more accuratly when movin soldiers around.

    I hate the way the game ai will not shoot at an empty tank, or non manned field gun, but if you sneek up and man 1....BLAMO!...before you can blink an eye... seems unrealistic.

  3. I also am enjoying the game. Even though Im running it on a system that is really not up to it. I have a Athalon 2100+ that gets about 1.7ghz.... Ive plenty of memory and a decent video card so it seems to grind through on low settings.

    Ive not tried any "Large" battles as of yet that may overwhelm my system : ( Presently I'm playing the German campaign, & Ive just started Barbarossa. Battles are running smooth at this stage.

    It is fun trying to outthink the enemy ai, and come up w/ inovative ways to defeat them.

    I must add to my mention about havin a underpowered system. That as of late all the newer games comming out have frusterated me because I can't run them. I took a gamble w/ TOW though, as the system requirements were "close" for me. I just had to try. I'm gonna have to break down soon though and get a new system it seems.

    With the new 1C game comming out by Oleg "Storm of War :Battle of Britain"...gotta have it too...

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