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Posts posted by JG53_Jaguar

  1. Hi All,

    I'm having hard time with activating the engine 4.0. I have bought Normandy when it was version 2.12. So I have license key for that, then I bought engine upgrade v3 and I have a license for that. Now I bought engine upgrade 4.0 and I have a license key for that. So I have downloaded the Normandy 4.0 full install and I can't seems to be able to activate my copy of Normandy. When I run the CM2 Normandy v4.0, I use the license key that came with the upgrade 4.0. Am I missing something ? The engine 4.0  I bought was the bundle one.

    I also have Normandy Vehicle Pack,  Battle Pack 1,  Commonwealth Forces and Market Garden - all engine version 3; not sure how I will install these expansions.


    thank you for your help!

    UPDATE: After a few minutes, I was able to activate the Normandy v3 and that gave me access to Normandy 4.0 and commonwealth, now I need to figure out the Battle Pack 1, Market Garden and Vehicle Pack.


    UPDATE2: Well, I managed to activate all the games and modules but I have to say activating licenses it's not exactly a straightforward easy process.

  2. Hi guys,

    1st I tried restarting my computer and that didn't help. I then followed Vanir Ausf B check list but I get the following problem: I have activate Battle For Normandy, Activate Market Garden and Activate modules on my Win7 Start menu on taskbar. None of these choices worked when I tried to use the Normandy 3.00 license.

    So then I went back to the email with license information that I got when I bought the games and I found that I needed to activate my CBN1-P2 Master license key. Once I applied that then I can now play Commonwealth scenarios. The confusion was that I didn't know that the Master License key is actually the key that handles the Commonwealth module activation.

    Question: If I understand it correctly with the latest 3.11 patch, all the latest files for Normandy/Commonwealth/Market Garden. So if I want to play Market Garden scenarios, all I have to do is buy the MG 2.0 module, and just use to activate the module. I don't need to install the MG 2.0 files right ?

  3. Hi All,

    Last week I bought Battle for Normandy and Commonwealth module as one package (version 2.12). I then bought and activated the Normandy 3.00 upgrade and I was able to play both Normandy and Commonwealth scenarios. Now I just applied 3.11 patch, reactivated my Normandy 3.00 license but when I try to pick and play a Commonwealth scenario in the scenario list I get message "Commonwealth Module is required to play for this scenario, please visit battlefront.com for details".

    I don't see anything on the news page (where the Normandy 3.11 patch is mentioned) about this issue...any ideas ?


  4. Hi All,

    I have just yesterday got back into playing Combat Mission again by buying Red Thunder and Normandy 2.x(used to play a lot the old Normandy/Eastern Front series released many years ago). Any idea when Eastern Front years '41, '42 and '43 add-ons will be available in the future?


    PS: I bought Normandy 2.12 and 3.0 upgrade pack and installed them...when I run Normandy I get 2.20 version on the screen and not 3.0...did I do anything wrong ?

  5. Hi Battlefront,

    Do you plan to change the licensing software in the future on your productions? I like the original TOW and would like to buy TOW2 but I will not support the eLicense DRM. If no, is possible to buy your games elsewhere without your eLicense DRM? (I believe there was TOW version that doesn't uses eLicense but I'm not asure about TOW 2)


  6. Yesterday was the first time that I have installed JSH mod, I started the German Normandy campaign and WOW those 88s sure help in the field :) Lot's of new vehicles to play with, I like it a lot. So I would like to say big thanks to whoever was involved in making the JSH happen, thanks a lot!

    I wish Battlefront would update the editing tools to work in Vista 64bit/Windows 7 64 - I'm moving to Win 7 64bit soon. I also wish Battlefront would very much remove the eLicense thing, it's been a while since this game was out please consider removing this annoying copy protection. In Win7 (RTM) I couldn't remove the service when I uninstalled the game...

  7. Hi Battlefront,

    I have been your customer since the first Combat Mission, didn't mind how "checking for valid software license" worked in those games. However since I got TOW, I have this License service running in memory every time I run TOW. I'm not happy that even after I install the game and my license key is validation I have the license service running all the time in the memory. I'm also not happy that even when I uninstalled TOW, this License service was left behind. I would like you to please consider removing this DRM service with issuing a small patch to TOW, now that the game has been on the market for a while. It really irritates the hell out of me that I have to have this License Service running every time I run TOW. TOW is nice game, has its flaws but I do have fun with it....I would like to continue giving my support to Battlefront for future TOW add-ons or upgrades like for example TOW2. However I will not buy any future Battlefront products that will have this DRM implemented.

    Thank You for your thoughts and considerations...



  8. I have decided to uninstall TOW for now temporarily and I also wanted to see if the licensing software will be removed. Well it wasn't, i was hoping that TOW uninstall process would take care of that. I have red the elicense FAQ (ok at least part of it) and downloaded "uninst_eLic.exe" software. I have run the software and I was told eLicense was removed from my computer. I have then rebooted my machine and check the services in the control panel and ...it's still the the service called "LicCtrl Serive" is there...even though it's disabled it's still there. After what I have experienced with starforce I'm bit sensitive with the modern way of copy protecting software. So...my question what else do I need to do to completely remove the serice from my computer.

  9. Originally posted by chanss:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JG53_Jaguar:

    Well I have falaise pocket mission saved and the Shermans are making swiss cheese out of my panther and tiger...all the time...within 10 - 15 seconds max. All the Tiger and Panther shots are bouncing of the shermans (yeah right) and ALL (so far that I have seen replaying this part 10 times) the shots fired from shermans always hit and somehow damage the Tiger and Panther - so what's with Panther's sloped armour ? As I'm a software developer for 14+ years I have to say that to have realistic gun penetration data in the game is one thing...but having seen in game test results is something else. On top of that it's also about how you use & manage the data in the game formula/business rules - the data by itself is one part of the product. So it could be the formulas or perhaps the armour values for the tanks. I will happily provide the saved game file.

    Is this the "Escaping the pocket" mission you are writing about? Is just that i cant remember that there were any tigers in it, and just 1 panther if i remember correctly, the rest was pz3j crapboxes and the like......

    Or maybe it is "the mongoose" mission? </font>

  10. Originally posted by BillyBob:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JG53_Jaguar:

    Well I have falaise pocket mission saved and the Shermans are making swiss cheese out of my panther and tiger...all the time...within 10 - 15 seconds max. All the Tiger and Panther shots are bouncing of the shermans (yeah right) and ALL (so far that I have seen replaying this part 10 times) the shots fired from shermans always hit and somehow damage the Tiger and Panther - so what's with Panther's sloped armour ? As I'm a software developer for 14+ years I have to say that to have realistic gun penetration data in the game is one thing...but having seen in game test results is something else. On top of that it's also about how you use & manage the data in the game formula/business rules - the data by itself is one part of the product. So it could be the formulas or perhaps the armour values for the tanks. I will happily provide the saved game file.

    Jag, how are you able to play the Falaise mission as a German? Are you coming to it via the campaign?

    I've played it as an American, but my heart wasn't really in it, so I group-ordered the lot of them to make a frontal assault in the direction of the first spotted PAKs. Ditto for the reinforcements.

    All my armoured vehicles got knocked out before they'd gotten more than halfway, then three MkIVs and a Panther came in and massacred all the troops. Even at 6fps it was quite a glorious sight. The visual detail on the German tanks is outstandingly good, on a par with that of well made scale models.

    So, the mission ran as I expected it should. The Ronsons got torched and the troops had no chance after that. I did a few 1st-person views in the Shermans before they died, and they were firing at PAKs way over in the distance that they couldn't possibly see (solid tree canopies and bushes all the way).

    I suppose if you forget any ideas of realism, and regard the game as nothing more than an interactive hollywood movie, it's somewhat entertaining. If the frame-rates were adequate I'd call it highly entertaining.

    But as a game? I crave realism, which is why I was so keen on CM for so long, despite it's rather crude graphics. CM was, and shall remain, a grog masterpiece. Hopefully BFC will remember, and re-focus, their vision and steer clear in future of games that don't meet that standard

    I'll revisit ToW along the way and see how the patch/es treat it, but for now it's off my serious gaming menu (I'll leave it installed). If it doesn't come good I'll chalk it down to experience. Not like I haven't had plenty of those in my gaming life. </font>

  11. Well I have falaise pocket mission saved and the Shermans are making swiss cheese out of my panther and tiger...all the time...within 10 - 15 seconds max. All the Tiger and Panther shots are bouncing of the shermans (yeah right) and ALL (so far that I have seen replaying this part 10 times) the shots fired from shermans always hit and somehow damage the Tiger and Panther - so what's with Panther's sloped armour ? As I'm a software developer for 14+ years I have to say that to have realistic gun penetration data in the game is one thing...but having seen in game test results is something else. On top of that it's also about how you use & manage the data in the game formula/business rules - the data by itself is one part of the product. So it could be the formulas or perhaps the armour values for the tanks. I will happily provide the saved game file.

    [ April 30, 2007, 08:38 AM: Message edited by: JG53_Jaguar ]

  12. Originally posted by BillyBob:

    Just totally beggars belief.

    Put St-Lo on novice setting. Bunch of Shermans come the same way eventually, up the hill on the right flank. I send a MkIV and a Panther around and bounce the Shermans on their left flank. One Sherman goes down, followed by my MkIV. Then the Panther is sitting facing three Shermans, about 100m between them, while the Shermans pound the un-damaged Panther repeatedly and I'm screaming at the Panther to return fire (crew were fine, no wounds etc). It didn't fire a single shot in return, and eventually had it's turret trashed.

    You can't play a game like this, you simply can't. It's trash. Panther just sitting there, taking round after round from three Shermans in plain sight just 100m away and doing nothing, not even taking aim. Me hitting the fire button, no messages coming up, nada.

    And all at 6fps.

    Meanwhile, elsewhere, I've got two Nashorns both firing and taking fire through multiple tree canopies. There's no way in hell either lots of crews could see each other. It makes a total mockery of cover and concealment.

    I'm done with this farce so far as offline play is concerned. I can understand console-bashing kids getting some measure of entertainment out of it, for the eye-candy alone, but seasoned PC grognards?

    When a game reduces a player to a screaming rage it's time to put it down and walk away. I'll give the MP a go, whenever somebody at 1C/BF deigns to fix what should have been working in the first place.

    I might be late...but don't waste time engaging enemy units with Mark IV or Panther from close range. German tanks have superior optics and gun...put them on the hill at long distance and let it rip smile.gif I put my panther, 2 tigers and the nashorn on the top of the hill and Mark IVs and some stugs in the valleys. This was an easy mission...the tough missions are were you have to engage enemy tanks from close range.
  13. Hi Moon,

    I would be happy to actively contribute...if you need a tester let me know.

    Btw, I'm getting an error running Mission Editor - I can't run Mission Editor at all. When I installed the game I had no problem running the editor. Few days later I can't run it anymore and I didn't make any changes to my computer and didn't install any games or applications:

    Plugin MissionEditor.MissionEditorPlugin initialization error

    Directx 9 can not be initiliazed. Please install the latest version of Directx 9.

  14. Originally posted by DeLaVega:

    Jaguar I have to admit that your posts make me smile everytime and I really will miss something after you finished the game. :) Your series of posts regarding the missions (starting at Dunkirk) had always something ...refreshing.

    Ja, about this mission I already posted, too. But I got luckier than you, I only lost the tanks six times. ;) And at the seventh try my Tiger alone knocked out 80% of the enemy tanks (on hard level). Luck? I wouldn`t say so. It`s the incredible in game calculations which made the realtime AI think: "If we let this guy lose his tanks one more time, he will turn away from me."

    The same AI let my reinforcements survive after they had been shot to pieces 5 times before. :)

    Due to this "unbalancy" of mission design I can only suggest what I suggested always: Quicksave.

    And not every 10 minutes, soldier. After every knocked out enemy tank! ;) Dismissed.

    Wow, I didn't know I was that entertaining. I certainly think the game has potential. I think the game looks to me like was designed to be a tank platoon combat game. Hopefully all the important issues will be resolved. I'm almost done with the german campaign. I beat the last mission in the demo and as a single player mission in the full game. I have to say I like the game...but sometimes it frustrates the hell out of me smile.gif

    I hate doing the quick save thing, makes me feel soooooo cheap. Once I'm done with the campaign I'm gonna start working on my own...Stalingrad for example. I like reading you posts as well...I can always find something useful in them.

    Somehow I thought Villers Bocage would be tough but it wasn't it was like taking candy from a baby. My tigers were performing as they should...don't get me wrong, I know tigers have their weaknesses just as any other tanks but I applied the proper tiger tactics and it paid off.

    [ April 30, 2007, 05:44 AM: Message edited by: JG53_Jaguar ]

  15. Ok, I'm puzzled about something. I'm playing the the falaise pocket mission. I have 1 Tiger and Panther around the objective 1 ...ok a bit more south (there are other tanks around but for this example I could care less). Now Its the third wave of Shermans coming...they are not even on the scenario map and (I have already realoded this part for about 10 times and 10 times out of ten ) the first 10 shots from the Shermans will always nail the Tiger and Panther. First of all I have my units in position and facing head on the shermans...so when the enemy tanks appear they right away target my units - how exactly is this possible. And we are talking here M4A1 and M4A3 76mm. How can they so easily nail my tiger and panther (10 times reload of this part of the mission already). And none of my tiger and panther shots are penetrating any Shermans. I'm seeing shells bouncing off the front armour very easily. This doesn't seems right...the sherman always hit my tanks nothing ever bounces of my panther. I'm not buying these engagements. I have no problem SOME of the 76mm shermans getting my Tiger or my Panther...but MOST of them ALL THE TIME? What I also have problem with is the Tiger and Panther shell bouncing off the sherman armour! Yes I have tried using special ammo as well...

    There is another thing...if I can see the shermans...and they can target my Tiger and Panther very easily...so I should be able to see them well as well. Yet when I try to give fire command to these two tanks of mine they always complain that they don't have a good LOS. Which is BS because the enemy icons are clearly visible...meaning they are not lighter colour.

    I have the save game so anyone is interested I can happily provide the file... oh and I'm playing on medium difficulty. Both the Tiger and Panther crew is pretty good in terms of their experience.

    [ April 29, 2007, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: JG53_Jaguar ]

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