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Posts posted by juhhe

  1. Hi Steve

    On many occasion I see you accusing your customers commenting on basis of emotion. Like this



    The problem is battling emotional responses with logic doesn't work either. Some people hate CM:SF... ticking off the reasons why they should "love it" doesn't do anything. "

    And this is only one example, there were several cases. Only thing that I do not "get" is that in what way you can call valid comments about TACAI, pathing, LOS/LOF problems and problems caused by the 1:1 rep (I just hate the way my squad TRIES to take cover behind corner of a wall => heavy casualties) emotional?.

    Please, take the game and play it in WEGO and see for yourself. This is not hard to do. There are several people reporting the same problems and still you argue that these are based on emotions. This I do not get. I do think that the one person that might take this a bit emotionally at this time is you Steve. I think that you could be a bit frustrated with so large part of your "fan" base bitching about the same things over and over again. I know I would be.

    I myself would really like to LOVE the CMSF. I was waiting for this game for a long time. And very much due to WEGO game type. I do agree with the comments about CM to be about thinking man's wargame. FOR RTS there are cool games out (for example TOW, do you agree) so that is why I cannot understand your decision of splitting the precious development time into 2 different play styles. You could have just used that time into shaping the WEGO into something beautifull. But decision was yours and you made it and I respect that even I do not understand it completely.

    Like I do not understand that how these problems could not be seen in beta testing. Only thing that I can come up with is that the beta testers focused on RTS part of which I know nothing. I have not tested the RT play style and propably wont even. For that I have other games.

    I hope you do not take this as a whining. I just dont understand the point in arquing with your customers about things that you could easily see for yourself. I hope that this post doesn't seem to be too emotional.

    I still am hoping for the game to be fixed with patches (I even trust on this) but I have a slight problem with the games being released "unfinished".


    P.S. What happened to CM Campaigns, it doesnt seem to be mentioned on the "in development" part of your site ????.

  2. Hi Maddmatt

    As I did buy the Paradox version and it has this shorter manual with it (why, by-the-way ?) then can the full printed manual be ordered from you separately?

    To me this Paradox version with 70 page printed manual stinks a bit like increasing the profit.

    Shouldn't BFC insisted that the manual is the same for Paradox version too?

    We'll this teaches me NOT to support Paradox anymore....

  3. Hi

    I have seen some very weird LOS behaviour too and am not very happy about it. In addition to these I have spotted some unit appearing from nowhere (and I am sure that it is not due to relative spotting, thank you).

    In few battles I have been suffering extra casualties due to LOS not working properly. They mau call it abstraction, but still it hurts the fun in playing. There is nothing funny in that I have parked my tank 13 meter away from firing T-72 and still my tank did not spot this T-72. Me thinks that if you are 13 meters away fron a shooting tank you should anyway here it....

    I myself cannot understand this relation with 1:1 display of soldiers and poor LOS. So in older games with the 3 men squad the LOS worked fine. Now with squad with about 7-9 men and boom, LOS doesnt work anymore. I do realize that there is 3 times more work for CPU to check LOS for every men in CMx2 compared to CMx1 but still, current computers should be able to handle this. And propably in older games the LOS was not checked for all 3 men but for the whole squad => 1 LOS.

    Why not done so in CMx2 games too?. Why have a 1:1 representation with 1:1 LOS if you still can command only the whole squad with poor TACAI.

    Just my quick thought.

    Still, poor LOS combined with poor pathing and AI do not currently elevate this game to status it deserves, unfortunately.

    But maybe in future patches....

  4. Hi

    I have seen some very weird LOS behaviour too and am not very happy about it. In addition to these I have spotted some unit appearing from nowhere (and I am sure that it is not due to relative spotting, thank you).

    In few battles I have been suffering extra casualties due to LOS not working properly. They mau call it abstraction, but still it hurts the fun in playing. There is nothing funny in that I have parked my tank 13 meter away from firing T-72 and still my tank did not spot this T-72. Me thinks that if you are 13 meters away fron a shooting tank you should anyway here it....

    I myself cannot understand this relation with 1:1 display of soldiers and poor LOS. So in older games with the 3 men squad the LOS worked fine. Now with squad with about 7-9 men and boom, LOS doesnt work anymore. I do realize that there is 3 times more work for CPU to check LOS for every men in CMx2 compared to CMx1 but still, current computers should be able to handle this. And propably in older games the LOS was not checked for all 3 men but for the whole squad => 1 LOS.

    Why not done so in CMx2 games too?. Why have a 1:1 representation with 1:1 LOS if you still can command only the whole squad with poor TACAI.

    Just my quick thought.

    Still, poor LOS combined with poor pathing and AI do not currently elevate this game to status it deserves, unfortunately.

    But maybe in current patches....

  5. Hi

    Bought the Paradox version in retail store on 26.7.2007 in Finland so this delay is really strange...

    Heh, those swedes, they cant do nothing right ....

    Pissed with the manual from Paradox, lousy 70 pages with nothing important on it. Did the physical shipment from BFC have the 200 page manual (printed) with it BTW?.

  6. Hi to all.

    I have been following these forums for some time and been waiting for this game like the next guy here. Well, when the day came I bought the Paradox version of it and have been trying few battles and QB's. I thought that I might chip in my owm first impressions which are naturally just my own opinions and some of those are already mentioned before.

    1) sounds are amazing again. They are really well done and bring a lot of depth to the combat.

    2) I would say that the graphics are fine once the problems with the flickering and jagged shadows are gone. Currently I am having some slight flickering problem in the upper part of the screen and if I disable the shadows then the whole screen flicers.

    3) action is quite impressive (when the pathfinding and AI works well)

    Then there are unfortunately the not so nice things that I am going to write here too. I do hope that is doesnt seem like I am whining, I am just writing down my own experiences. I have some hours now with the game, not much but perhaps to notice some things.

    1) Pathfinding can be VERY frustrating specially in cities where there is a lot of staff and roads are narrow

    2) not very convinced about the AI. I am not a good player of these kinds of games even I like these but CMSF it seems that you cannot loose (okay, playing the the basic training difficulty)

    3) UI is, plainly said bad. Now I know that this is harsh but let me explain. If one chooses the commands with mouse there is a lot of mouse surfing around screen to make a chain of commands.

    Then again if one uses hot keys you still have to make sure that you are on correct tab as several orders use same key. So if you want to move with U, make sure that you are not on c -tab. And finally, this combined with the fact that if you after selecting a command, click on a impassible terrain the command is reset and you have to choose it again. VERY frustrating. This clicking on a impassible terrain seems to be quite easy to do (at least on the one battle where it was Syrians vs Syrians and blue force tries to conquer the goverment building, do not remember the name of the battle). I might be wrong but is it so that if there is a fence, a stone wall there it takes up a complete terrain tile instead just the space the wall requires?. I mean that the tile could be sand for example but then on it is the wall blocking movement and LOS. This wall could be for example 1 yard wide and tile as wide as they normally are. Because if it is so that one terrain is always one tile, there is some REALLY tight squeezes between walls.

    It seems so as when there is a wall running in 45 deg angle there is a jagged line of impassible terrain and clearly the terrain is more lighter than the road beside it. Even they should be the same road. Hard to explain, hope you can see what I mean.

    4) LOS. I am not at all convinced that this works as should on all the occasions. On few occasions I have moved my troops 13 meters away from a FIRING T72 (for example) and still they could not see it. No smoke or other staff blocking the view when I took the camera to unit view. I checked this so, that I brought more of my troops around the enemy and some can see it and some cant. Same enviroment for all of them. One more occasion was that my tank was standing in the middle of the road aiming a long the road. On free parts of the road LOS ended after about 90 meters. But when I moved the target tool 15 deg to right so that the line went THROUGH a destroyed T72 I got almost enless LOS. Endless as the map ended.

    5) Enemies appearing out of nowhere behing my troops. And I do not mean the feature where the enemy is only visible when some body actually sees it. I mean that on the excact same point that I drove my tank through appeared an enemy T72 5 seconds later . And no it did not seem to have driven to that spot on the same instat. It just appeared there.

    6) When I try to send my infantry behind a corned of the wall, part of the guys stay on the road and not taking cover behind wall. Naturally they got slaughtered there. It seems that the normal US squad of (I think it was 9 men) takes too big space of the map in relation to other units. Might be a spacing problem inside the unit.

    7) bad performance. I mean really slow. And I have Intel 945, XP SP1, ATI 1950 and 1,5 Gb DDR. And the flickering of the screen is annoying.

    Like said, had been waiting for this game anxiously and feel at this point a bit dissapointed. Cannot understand the decisions on the UI, do not feel confident that the game is not cheating, dont trust the LOS.

    I do not want to hurt anybodys feelings and can understant that this has been a enormous task to built up but still my feeling is that the release might have been delayed a bit, engine optimizes a bit better, maybe few things should have been found during the Beta testing and fixed before release.

    But anyways, we now have this and with time it will propably become a great game. I just somehow in my fantasy world thought that Battlefront would be the one exception on this business who do not release products too early. During the last few years I have grown a bit tired of patching unfinished games after release.

    Sorry this got to be so long but I tried to explain my first impressions with my poor english and to do this briefly is not easy.

    Thanks Battlefront for still doing these games. If you would not do these then who would?.

    P.S. I understood that the Battlefront version is delivered with 200 pages PRINTED manual. Is this correct?.

    If so then why is the Paradox version equipped with skimpy 70 page one with nonsense about e-licensing etc. Battlefront shoud make sure that every version should be provided with same "accessories". I just HATE reading the manuals on screen.

  7. Plaa, crappy thing only gave me 1 GB worth of game and naturally "file is corrupt" error pops up when trying to install.

    This whole thing is getting VERY humorous.

    Still, I am not laughing.

    I used get right, and it did not show any problems with the load. Download ended normally, there just didnt seem to be more.

    Oh well, I am off to bed.

  8. Hi,

    We'll it is now 6.10 PM (I hope this was correct for evening) in Finland and there is still no signs of dowload mail. And they are still accepting preorders, which is kinda funny as today is the official release date.

    Now I am not complaining but I must admit that it makes one wonder that what could have gone wrong with a product in last 2 days as it has been in works for 7 years....okay, I saw that they mentioned the editor being a source of problems.

    But still, I am all for finalized product. Gaming software business has too often used end users as beta testers so this is refreshing change of pace.

    Promise of a mission pack with patch is VERY nice way to redeem themselves from all the bad mojo this pre-order funniness has brought on.

    Still, I would like to get to play the game that I have been waiting for so very very long time.

    And now I can already see,that even if the release would happen NOW, i would propably have it downloaded on 20.4.2007.

    Oh well, good things come to those who wait.

    Thanks for the heads-up.

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