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Posts posted by Kazzel

  1. AMD Athlon64 X2 4200+ OC'd to 2.55GHz, 2X BFG GeForce 8800 GTS (SLI Setup) and Corsair CM2X1024-6400 2GB (2x 1GB).

    Running the game with all settings maxed and in 1280x960. (need a new monitor, can't get any higher than 1280x1024)

    Runs very good here, I got the Logitech G15 keyboard, so I can monitor cpu and ram usage on its lcd and both cpu cores are between 40% and 70%, it only uses about 1200M of ram and somewhere around 900M virtuel ram. My system uses 420M ram and 300M virtuel ram when Iam sitting on a fresh boot and on the desktop.

  2. Thanks for the tip Cameroon, just dosen't like to use retreat, some games make your units retreat till they reach a certain point or rally them self again.

    But if it works like giving a movement order, then its cool smile.gif

  3. Originally posted by Moon:

    Pathfinding - this is not your usual clickfest RTS. You can't issue a waypoint across half the map and expect the unit to do everything else for you. If you want a unit to use roads, set the waypoint in shorter intervals along a road. YOU are giving instructions to the units, nobody else.

    Martin [/QB]

    I havne't tried with getting units to follow a road, but I have tried to get tanks to back up 5-10 meters (I guess that number over near the minimap are meters to keep tab of the distances) to be better concealed but still able to fire at the enemy, so ofcorse I expect them to back up, but they kept turning around and exposing the rear to the enemy, this is one thing I think you should look into, theres nothing more frustrating that losing that tank, just becorse the driver are too lazy to put it in reverse gear.

    Otherwise it seems to work fairly well when you keep the moving orders to short distances.

  4. I agree that the animations and sounds could be much better, but the camera works just fine and it only took me a few minutes to master it.

    I can't say much about the performance as I run in 1280x960 with everything maxed out without any problems at all, but Ive also just spend 2100$ upgrading my system.

    As for the pathfinding, its not as good for vehicles and tanks as it should be, but for the inf. it worked quite well, when I was ordering them one at a time, so I was sure of where they would end up.

  5. Just be glad that you can download it before the release date, even if its only a day or two before, it would be the first pre-order game that Ive ordered that have done this, as normal it just means that you would get the game on release date by pre-ordering.

  6. After having seen it again, I took more notice to the MG42 sounds not being all to close to the real deal. I wish that I could explain better how it sounds, but Iam afraid that its not what I do best.

    I base my oppinion upon the fact that Ive heard those nice MG42's often, as the Danish army have only in recend years started to fase it out of active duty and what a shame, its a much better mg than the SAW.

  7. Some early war scenarioes or campaigns would be nice, I for one would love the chance to change the course of the war by holding the germans out of denmark/norway or atleast try to smile.gif

    I have till to run across a non-hex based game that depicts the invasion of poland and france, would also be nice to re-enact the german invasion of that island down by crete, can't remember what its named right now.

  8. Hear Hear Moon, when I order packages in-country I expect delivery the day after, but ain't surprised if it takes two days. My last delivery from another country, was SH4 Limited edition, it was send from France to Denmark in only 24 hours and boy I was surprised at the speed, as I expected it to take atleast 3-4 days.

    Oh and hello all, new face here.

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