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Posts posted by ironpants

  1. Thanks general_solomon, I will try and create more (going to put some finishing touches to this one first though). Not sure why you're getting bad los, maybe if you're used to strykers there's a big difference, which I think there is (lots of stuff in another post about the quality of imaging systems in the strykers).

    Handihoc, this mission is red v red, the syrian army are the 'blue' side, so it should be a bit more of a challenge, I share your feelings about the almost godlike capabilities of the american gear in comparison (suppose it's realism for you though!)

  2. Serval, 2nd version has different plans so different placements. I will be putting a few more flavour objects in when i've got time (unless people are getting a bad framerate), wanted to get the AI sorted first so thanks for the comments.

    Hopefully i'll be able to make this scenario a bit more enjoyable then move on to the next one, any suggestions for the mission, setting etc. for the next one welcme too smile.gif

  3. Ok made a couple of changes:

    a) Time limit now 1 hour 40 with overtime available.

    B) Alternate AI plans for red defender

    This is the latest version: http://www.savefile.com/files/996519

    So... everybody seems positive here in the forum

    but only 5 posts out of 89 downloads so far... do the other 84 people think this scenario is rubbish and are too polit to say? If so, please don't be, criticism will tell me what to improve on smile.gif

    I Can take it!

  4. Thanks for all the suggestions guys, glad you seemed to enjoy it. I will make a few tweaks:

    a) Alternative AI plans.

    B) increased time limit.

    c) Possibly some flavour objects here and there

    Unfortunately I can't get vehicles to attack effectively with troops dismounting correctly etc.. so i won't be doing an AI plan for Blue just now (maybe when I figure it out...prolly need 1.03).

    Just a couple of questions... were there too many enemy units? What about system performance, is this level difficult to handle for older PC's, mine is quite new and there was a little juddering here and there while my processor caught up!

  5. This is my first scenario and I am looking for peoples comments, good and bad please!

    It is to be played as blue only (Republican Guard Mech with SF support).

    The Guards must retake a town which has been captured by a local warlord (Set prior to the fictitious U.S. invasion as Syria prepares it's defences.)

    I've included a bit of background text which might be a bit OTT... comments please! (sorry that I can't get rid of the bleeding text template!).

    Anyway hope you enjoy it, tell if you don't and suggest changes... I will take all on board for the next one!



    [ August 23, 2007, 10:14 AM: Message edited by: ironpants ]

  6. Anyway, there can't be a french module as part of the backstory states that one of the dirty bombs destroyed France's principal white flag factory, thus crippling Frances' military entirely.

    Only kidding, would love a french module, or possibly just the Legion with some additional units in support. The only thing that bothers me is that we add all these nations France, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Canada or wherever.... Doesn't look good for Syria does it!...Who is going to be helping them out?

    I vote... USSR becomes embroiled,then we'd need the French and everybody else would end up in there too Red Storm Rising 2009 anyone? Obviously ain't gonna happen because they'd have to produce new map textures to model central europe and possibly even scandanavia... in which case we could have the Finns in too!

    Incedentally, I wish the UK would take a leaf out of Frances foreign policy book and just leave the yanks to it, like they did with us and the Falklands... And like when the US forced the UK to pay the punitive lend lease loans back(last payment made 2002!) When the US had been catapulted to superpower status because the UK stood up to tyranny ALONE after the fall of the brave French, afterwards we Brits asked for nothing for it, the yanks made sure we got it. The Russians may have won the war with American help but we softened em up for you.

    There are many positives and many negatives about each country (Yes even the British!)as there are with individuals, I don't think we are going to solve that here.... so who wants a french module then?

  7. Originally posted by SKELLEN:

    Maybe that's because they are busy doing other things (being a seven man team and all), like working their butts off to release the imminent patch. ;)

    I know that mate, what I mean is I thought it would be a priority but maybe people who want to play other people are in the minority. I don't mean to have a go at BF but this would make the game much more enjoyable for me and no doubt many other people.. hopefully we'll see something in the next BF titles. I am hoping there will be many more BF titles because they don't pander to the lowest common denominator like most main stream game companies, but i'm sure dedicated MP lobbies in all their games would only increase sales. Just my uninformed opinion.
  8. forums aren't much use for jumping into a game, we need something in real time, i'm amazed BF haven't even created a dedicated MP lobby... it beggars belief.

    Anyone got any suggestions for a place to gather and arrange MP matches so it's a case of 'phone your friend and get his IP and schedule a game for next tuesday...' It should be..'at last an hour free, lets see if there is anyone online for a quick game'

    I'm not the sort of person who wants to get into a clan, I just want the odd game against another human to keep my interest in the game!

  9. Been searching the threads for info on a good place to go for MP battles. found nada!

    So why not post below where you go to find opponents, maybe we'll see a pattern emerging and people will be able to go to 1 or 2 places and find an opponent.

    the only 2 places I've been are the battlefront chat bar (never anybody there!) and the IP exchange thingy (managed to get a TOW game through this but so far never seen any CM:SF games listed.

  10. i 100% agree with you rabbit, it seems ridiculous that this hasn't been implemented already. Until BF get something sorted can anyone tell me the best way to find other players, if we put out messages on the forum telling people were we are looking then maybe one will emerge as the 'standard' chat room to go to to get a game. I've tried the IP exchange thingy but that just doesn't seem to get me anywhere.

    My vote is the BF toolbar chat room

  11. AMD 5.2 windsor

    2gb 800mhz ram

    nvidia mobo

    nvidia 7900 gtx

    had problems with jerky mouse pointer/camera on max settings/resolution (1280*1024), turned off vertical sync everything running perfectly on medium sized battle. (can't say that the V-SYNC off had much of a bearing on the quality). Hopefully be able to run with V-SYNC after a patch or G-card driver)

    [ July 27, 2007, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: ironpants ]

  12. I hear you, i've had mixed feelings about TOW after my over eager anticipation, but now i'm settling down into it. There are a great many positives and the majority of the negatives seem like the sort of thing that can be resolved with a patch (please tell me there is going to be one soon... particularly some MP fixes!)

    I think those of us who wait around and take time to actually appreciate the positives now before installing a patch which resolves most of the negatives will be rewarded with a fantastic game, hopefully BF/1C will make enough dough out of this to make a stormer of an addon!.. Or is all this wishful thinking!

  13. Has anyone managed to make a custom MP mission yet? I've had a quick look at the editor, it will be justb a question of figuring out the trigger syntax and ripping off some existing mission triggers for victory conditions and the like.. has anyone figured out if you can call the unit selection screen prior to a MP battle yet, that is badly needed.

    I am a software developer in real life, so the last thing I want to do is start mucking around with an unfamiliar coding interface when I get home. Although it does look fairly straight forward it will take time and patience to figure it out properly, so Kudos to anyone who does!

  14. Thanx CBR, I will be in touch sometime (gotto go deal with the real world now!) Just had a game though (found an IP in the MPlobby), it went very smoothly (although it took an age to load the map), there were only 2 of us but we plumped for the 8 player map (nice that you can do this).

    However, 2 thoughts:

    1) I had hoped there would be a units screen prior to the map, so you could choose your units based on a predetermined or host determined number of RP, but it just started and there I was with a predetermined roster (this is going to hurt replayability!)

    2) Maybe I am thick, I admit I haven't read the manual cover to cover but there was no in game chat... I was soundly defeated and wanted to tell my opponent to save him spending 10 mins hunting down my bailed out crew, but my only option was to end game, which basically disconnected me from my opponent, I would rather have returned to a mission end screen with a chat window were I could talk to my opponent.

    MOON: Are there any plans to improve the multiplayer, because this game has a lot of potential in that area which in my short experience doesn't seem to have been realised. Maybe my mistake was playing the 8 player map with only 2 players I may have more fun on the 2 player back (more units to command?) but I only had 4 tanks and no inf... here's hoping someone tells me I am dumb and I missed something!

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