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Posts posted by Redonmyhead

  1. I'm new to war sims in a way. How do I fit this into my game play? How do I use this to my advantage? Do I need to hit enter on a unit to see the enemy so I can accurately fire on an enemy unit? does that make sense? any suggestions or words of wisdom on LOS?


  2. the first 2 training missions, my infantry always expire rapidly. my tanks survive but none of my infantry. I advance with my tanks to the trenches while my troops are catching up. but they just perish so quickly and never make it to advance where the tanks r at. Do I need to set my light tanks back to suppress fire instead of trying to flank? Do I need to crawl with my infantry? Should I avoid hitting the assualt button till they're close to the trenches? I've tried to move my infantry to the left side and then go up and flank the enemy but they still all die. Do I need to hold fire or change my formation (which I have)? I know I'm a noob, is this normal? any pointers?

  3. thanks for the info Brit and others. its reassuring to hear from the pros who play this type of war sim genre games. i wanted to play the demo but I didn't started downloading till 1030 last night. Had to be at work early so didn't get to play, bummer. Will play tonight!!!

  4. 28yrs, only play WWII games on PC. Never played CM till the other day. I like. I only played FPS games till COH game out. COH was my 1st RTS game. Don't really care for it these days due to the realism aspect. Have great expectations for TOW. Dying to get my hands on this great game. I feel like a little kid still with lots of adrenal and anxiety.

  5. music was annoying and vague. it wasn't exciting or suspenseful. The intro was good. I agree with Canuck, why make the beginning part of the intro in a city setting, kind of misleading. This game was supposed to be countryside fighting, not urban. The first minute of the intro needed to be cut. I still think it will be a great game.

  6. i don't know if this has been mention before in previous posts, but once a enemy tank or infantry is killed, do they disappear on the battlefield (I hope not)? Is there cover for infantry behind destroyed tanks or trees (i know trenches are in the maps)? Like setting up ur ATs, can u set them up in cover so they're less likely to be killed by enemey tanks or fire? I imagine so but curious. I'm at work so reading the other posts is hard to do.

  7. Hola. I'm new to the rts community. My first rts game was COH. Excellent game except the realism aspect. On guy mention this game on the relic forums. So I checked it out and wow, this game looks like a winner in my books. I can't wait to get my hands on it. I'm a big fan when it comes to WWII like the rest of you I imagine on this website.

    I was reading one of your blogs. Is grenades, mines, or sticky bombs accessible to the soliders in this game?? They're not listed under weapons (unless I'm blind which is possible), so I'm assuming they were not incorporated into the game like motars. I was reading on this particular blog that grenades could disable engines if placed right on tanks. Is that true?

    Keep up the excellent work. Hopefully, the game will be a big success, and future patches will happen so motars and other extras will be incorporated in the future.


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