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zu Pferd

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Posts posted by zu Pferd

  1. I'm also having the same problem and I have

    a ATI 9600...updated driver, changed DEP

    chose loww settings, no shadows,

    the game does not go past the hourglass and icon

    I don't even get a black screen....

    I tried to download demo without antivirus/firewall

    and the demo does not load no EAX turned off

    high details in the sky and on the land...I'm ranting I downloaded directx 9.0C....

    turned off all running programs to start demo.

    I played Ubisoft Faces of War on this computer which requires minimum settings like ToW recommending higher end Ram and CPU...The game played but crashed very often however...

    I promised myself to buy a higher end machine

    I think Wolfseven is right on the money about his

    statement up here in the forum

    hang tight


  2. Hi Moon...

    I thought I give this another try..I've unlicensed

    the game and removed it from my computer.

    I closed virus/firewall and downloaded a fresh

    copy of the ToW Demo...loaded OK

    loaded the Codec

    set Game Configuration Menu to low for everything


    Enable EAX

    High landscape detail

    High Sky detail

    video mode set as 1024x768x60Hz (default)

    I downloaded a fresh copy od DirectX9.0C April/10

    Went into DEP and changed it as x your suggestion

    in this forum.


    I get the hourglass followed by Icon and I don't

    leave deskstop...the program closes...

    Is it the game or the eLicense? was a question

    I think Madmatt put to us by trying to download

    and Run the Demo...maybe I'm lagging behind

    did I miss a step in the Start Up procedure?

    thanks for any help you can send

    I have

    genuine WinXP Home Edition 2002 SP2

    Radeon9600 ATI 128Mg graphic card

    Itel® Pentium 4 CPU 2.66Ghz

    1 GB of Ram

  3. Update:

    to Madmatt....2nd download worked good with

    no problems set game configuration to 1024x768

    low res for everything..no shadows

    I shut down all running programs including antivirus firewall ect

    and.....game crashes back to deskstop!!

    According to ToW I have min spec on my computer.

    Standing by

    I believe the same will happen with the CD which

    will arrive in Canada in 3 weeks according to

    Battlefront...I will keep coming to the forum

    to keep looking for a solution.

    I know you guys are working hard on this problem

    and I appreciate it


  4. Hi Madmatt


    Microsoft Win XP Home vers. 2002(original, not a clone)

    Service Pack2


    Pentium®4 CPU 2.66Ghz

    1.00GB ram

    ATI video card Radeon9600 128MB

    which I refreshed and upgraded.

    I'm downloading the demo and I'll see if I can

    get it to work.

    I downloaded the program from the e-mail from

    Battlefront and download came without any problems,

    same with the eLicense...The game does not

    start even after tweeking down all graphics in

    the ToW Configuration.

    One thing is odd.... I don't have a folder in 'Control Panel'for the eLicence which I saw somewhere in this forum...

    the ToW Editor works.....

    lots of fun !!! smile.gif

  5. Hi there:

    It sounds like the problem I'm having too.

    I did get the eLicense window and entered my

    license code and it was accepted...however

    having done that when I tried to get the game to

    START I got a new pointer a crash to black screen

    back to deskstop under a different setting (unable to detect setting parameters)and back to my default

    setting deskstop screen 1024x768 (recommended by

    ToW)..the Editor howeverlaunches...!! so it can't

    be a eLicense problem or can it?

    While looking through other fellain out there who

    seem to have problems gettting the game to go

    I noticed I don't have any eLicense folder !!??

    can't unistall or am I missing something?

  6. Thanks for the response..

    as kindly suggested I

    set all ToW graphics to minimum

    left shadows:self shading, grass detail: normal

    screen resolution is default at 1024x768 color 32bpp

    sane result: I can't get past the icon mouse pointer

    changing shape and color.

    I changed the name of the file 'title.avi' to some

    other name with the same .avi extension

    no difference.

    I got creative and changed the screen resolution

    to 1024x768x70hz and to every other possible position up to 75hz in the option window

    no difference

    Also tried the other settings: not one makes a

    difference...keep crashing back to desktop

    I turned off every program running in the background and unplugged internet + security system

    no difference...

    I did not mention this before

    I have Win XP Home with Service Pack2

    I bought the download and physical version package

    I'll uninstall the game when I get the CD to see

    if there is any difference...although I never

    got any error messages while downloading the elicence or unpacking the download..

  7. after registering the e licence

    and upgrading video card (radeon 9600 128meg )

    (I have a 2.66GHZ CPU and 1000 meg of RAM)

    when I click to launch the game I get something...

    my cursor changes to a brass cursor

    and then....puff its gone replaced by deskstop

    I realize I'm just on the minimum spec requirements

    I feel the game should launch and then slow down

    while playing....but at least launch.

    I run winXP

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