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Posts posted by LowEndUser

  1. Playing and enjoying the Game, however even though I have read the Manual some questions.

    This is from several games as Axis.

    On Research, even though I`m usually maxed out in Research and the specific areas I want, I only get to max Heavy Tank ( Tigers) by late `44 - early `45. Same with Jet Aircraft, if I get them at all it late `45 almost too late to be useful. The whole German research seems much slower then in SC.

    On Unit addings Medals ( more battle experience ) since Germany need more units to cover the Fronts and their cheaper I always build Corps. The problems seems to be that when an upgraded ( Inf. weapons and AT ) size 6 German Corps with 3 medals is hit by a no upgrade no experience Russian Army it always knocks them down to 3 or even 2. Then when hit by another Russian Army which is nearby their destroyed. This always happens. It`s seems that the experience, which is a great Game idea, dosen`t work well if at all with the aggressive AI, and your better off always reinforcing the units back to 10 which lowers the experience down. Any comments on this ?

    As a general comment, IMO the changes from SC have made the Game impossible to win as the Axis at all but the easest setting and even then you need to eliminate the Russian Partisians ( which really need to be weak static units that don`t attack but do block supply) and Siberian Reinforcements.

    Wish List: The ability to quick build weak units that would at least have a ZOC and some ability to defend, say in 1 turn, units like Volkstrumm or Russian Partisians or British/US Home Guard for very many MPP`s.

    [ October 31, 2006, 08:30 AM: Message edited by: LowEndUser ]

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