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Posts posted by Wüstenfuchs

  1. Ugh, I think the picture looks great, but...

    Mussolini was also an important part in europe during the second world war. Remember the balkan war in 1940 when italian forces crashed in northern greece and fail to take athens and so an important supply station for the allied mediteranean fleet. What if Mussolini has won that campaign? Maybe the italians could had won the african campaign late 1941 and got out the commonwealth troops out of that area? Okay, this scenario seems to be very unlikely but of course this could happen...

    Another scenario with italian involvement is that large parts of the italian naval forces were able to assist the german wehrmacht in operation sealion in spring 1941 to beat england?

    I don't like the removement of italy as a super power in this game. So why don't write an email to the programmers of strategic command 2 that they will make a sixth major party available in the game. This couldn't be so hard to realize into the game, isn't it?


    P.S. Sideris, yes my mail address is generalfeldmarshall_rommel@yahoo.de

  2. Hi Sidius,

    may I ask you that I can have the map too? I'm new to this forum but played these games now for many years. What I red here in this post about your map sounds very interesting to me. I also have a very good pc so I don't expect any performance problems with your map. Also I'm interested in the WW2 stuff and know the history from the german side quite good. I'd also wrote and of course red different novels about some "What-If" constellations in the second world war. But I also have to say, that I'm not familiar in writing scripts for SC2. But I'm currently very interesting in to do that to implement some "What-If" Scenarios to the game. By the way, when we all talk about a world map which will cover all situations into the second world war we must talk about the start date of the game. Why the game shouldn't start with peace with England and France - let's say we start a game from 1936 with the revolution in spain? Would that scenario be convertible somehow in the game?

    That's all for now. Hope you'll join me in the test team?



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