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Posts posted by MEYER_1944

  1. The game 'OFFICERS' doesnt have dissapearing 'anything' and they claim to have 25km square maps with 1500 units in-game... If thats not overload I dont know what is...

    And they have these things implemented in TOW with barely 25% of the beforementioned...

  2. The removal of swastika's in 1C's other big title : il-2 Sturmovik was due to strict Nazi symbolism laws in Germany (may be other nations too)...

    As mentioned above, im sure if they arent in they can easily be modded in... Silent Hunter and heaps of other games all did this...

    I agree also that realism should be shown and not hidden from the public eye. If games are a representation of a certain period/conflict then things shouldnt be dumbed-down (so-to-speak).

    History should be told in all its gory reality to basically scare us into never repeating the bad points...

  3. Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

    WWII will not be a module; it is a new game

    I think he meant that after the initial WW2 CMx2 game release and its consequent modules...

    He wasnt refering to the WW2 game simply being a module CM:SF...

    Personally I wasnt at all interested in CM:SF but of late have been learning more and more about the conflict in the middle east and Chechnya... So will most likely be getting this title now...!!!

  4. For me the maps could be alot larger... and alot more units...

    Ive heard all the arguments for and againts this, but at least give us the option...

    Way back when this games development was in its infancy I pushed for this... Then realised the limitations they are putting in, im dissapointed but will still most likely purchase the game...

  5. From what I remember I dont thinks its an option... They have it implemented so the engine doesnt get bogged down keeping track of every tiny piece of debry...

    Yeh, I realise it would be nice to have all the eye candy you want but if its a choice between game performance and showing a thrown track or pieces of a tank then ill take the first option...

  6. With the US spending an estimated 2 Billion per month just to keep things going in Iraq and with things looking no-where remotely close to what you could call a positive outcome!

    It therefore remains to be seen just how much more crap shoveling in the desert will be done!

    I can only see it getting a heck of alot worse for one or both parties....!

  7. Back to some questions...

    How effective is the protective (slat-armour) on the Stryker and any other vehicle its used on...?

    I realise its for protection against RPG's and the like, but with anything weightier than that is it automatic goodbye stryker?

    I realise even M1 Abrams are far from infallable but what have been the rough casualty rates of vehicles in Iraq? Does anyone know? Depending on what your shown by the media and what you can dig up via the internet I can see how some people can get a distorted perspective of just who is kicking who's butt over there...

    Having just watched a distubing compilation of countless US vehicles (mostly Hummers) getting destroyed and filmed by the insurgents... other than feeling a tad queezy and somewhat sad for the obvious casualties involved im wondering just who is getting the upper hand...!

  8. Further to this, I did a search and couldnt find anything on infantry death animations and or use of blood in-game!

    Before anyone picks at this, im not a gore/war-monger im just seeing how the game represents real-life and depicts these things?

    Evervy FPS has blood in it now, heck even the new MEDIEVAL TOTAL WAR:2 game has included blood spattering for the first time...

    How far is the game sensored? or the engine limited in this respect...?

  9. Having watched numerous vids on god knows how many Hummers getting airborne and/or destroyed outright, I was thinking of what the damage models in game are like...?

    Are there only a few representations of the various stages of a vehicle being damaged? Or is it alond the lines of what gets hit is what is shown damaged...?

    Can vehicles be put on their roof in-game throught the force of an explosion?

  10. Is it a limitation of the engine? its like two trees cannot be touching hence you get a spaced out forest...

    As we all know in a real forest (in the true sense of the term) trees have branches that cross with anothers and they are in some cases tightly packed together...

    With some of these densely wooded areas (that could sometimes block out 90+ light)e.g. Ardenne! I fail to see that if you cant see the sky looking up then how can you see the action looking down from CAM view...? You would never see what the hell is going on down there... I see how that is a point against the density of wooded areas.

    However you should be able to have it in the game, otherwise things look to open and woods dont look like the barrier that they sometimes are...

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