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Posts posted by 1stSSLeibstandarte

  1. Hey I had some questions about the campaign. I know they said soldiers would carry over etc, but how is it structured? Do you follow thru the campaign as part of a specific unit( 1st Infantry, LAH, 34th Panzer div etc) or are you put in charge of different armies/divisions/battalions etc? Does the outcome of a specific battle change where you fight next (like Panzer General) or does it just change the difficulty of the next battle? Do you have to finish a campaign to unlock another one? Is it just the German campaign, for example, or are there different campaigns for each country, like Barbarossa/Balkans/Poland/France for Germany and Husky/Torch/DDay for Allies etc? Is everything fully historic, or is there alternative history type battles? Such as Seelowe, or alternative battle at Moscow, or maybe even France invading Germany during the Poland invasion....any chance of seeing those?


  2. WTF!?!?! What is wrong with you people??? Where is the admin in this situatioN??

    It's really hard for me to understand how the internet emboldens and twists the human psyche so much, but this forum is the biggest proof of it. Of the self righteous flamers here unfortunately most are acne-ridden self-confidence lacking geeks who all of a sudden develop a new spine with a vengeance over the internet and vow themselves to ruin the lives of all who post ANYTHING here. If I had to name some names....Michael Dorosh....I don't know what collective IQ you take pride in in this forum, but I won't go into that, maybe ya'll really are intelligent. But your collective EQ is so pathetic that I feel like I've walked into a kindergarten for down-syndromed children.

    I hope I'm not getting banned for this, "Steve", as I don't think I could "legally" be found guilty of anything, but while we're talking about you, let's mention your absence from this thread while the opposite equivalent of nazism was going on. You are involved in making a WW2 RTS!!! Half the battles in your game involve Nazi Germany and the army of Nazi Germany, despite how twisted their leadership was, is probably the most admired/respected army in the world because of their kill ratios, their ability to win in almost desparate circumstances etc. I don't really give a s*it about the Germans or any of them, but when I want to play a WW2 RTS I prefer to choose a nick that somehow fits in the timeperiod with a military combat unit that has performed well. SO, YOU CAN'T BAN PEOPLE WHO SAY GERMANS ARE COOL BUT NOT BAN PEOPLE WHO WILL TRY TO DIGITALLY EXECUTE ANYONE WHO SAYS SO! You are supposed to run this kindergarten, please do so like an adult. I started off peacefully asking about the game and now everyone's worked me up to the point of getting angry at the admin, thx people, ya'll are great!

  3. :( All I asked for was a simple summary of all the stuff people were complaining about/things missing from the game and what do I get? A lengthy discussion about Nazis and crap(will saying crap get u banned?) Please people, when someone says DONT DISCUSS MY NAME OR NAZISM, JUST ANSWER MY QUESTION, it really means that and it's not a secret desire for attention! We are not 12 anymore (oh God I hope not!!) stop acting like it please... So if anyone still wants to answer my question? BTW thx Elmar for being the only one who gave me at least a partial answer.
  4. Hey everyone,

    I'm just curious as to the summary of the "flaws" of the game. I tried just reading all posts but they're full of arguments etc and not too interesting. Just curious about what not to expect in the game etc. Oh and brief question about tank engagements; are they realistic such as in CM, or are they going to be simplified ala CoH? Oh and btw, please don't post commenting about my nick or call me a nazi etc, I would just like some simple information smile.gif . THX

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