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Posts posted by Frost

  1. Thanks everybody, I'll try out some of these ideas. My biggest problem with the Russians, is their seemingly endless supply of troops, and after a while killing all of them takes it's toll and my guys are done for.

    What would you recommend as far as research goes? I tend to put a lot of my research into heavy tanks, and that only seems to work well until the Russians bring their anti-tank research level up to two or three and then everything balances out.

  2. I know there are a lot of vets around here that school the AI with their monitors off, so I need some help. I usually play Fall Weis on the standard level, and I plays as the Axis.

    I must not be thinking creatively enough, because I just can't take down the Soviet Union.

    The best I've done was to take Moscow, Archangel, and that city way, way in the back the Russians run to. I've never taken Stalingrad.

    The game runs the same way everytime, I have big gains in the begining, then it slows down, and then my forces crack, and about that time the British and the Americans come into mop up what the Russians left.

    Help! :mad:

  3. Okay RobertC I finished your campaign. I beat the Russkies back all the way to Moscow..it was costly, many died, but the Russkies will never again threaten Europe smile.gif

    Anway a couple of things...

    You have to go and change the generals names for Germany. Once I liberated Berlin I was able to make German units, and once again I had Rommel out there, and that just didn't seem right...it was ironic...but strange.

    Also Patton died in 1945 so he can't fight either, but he did kick some butt let me tell you...

    The diplomacy finally worked for Saudi Arabia, but at that point I didn't need their stupid oil anyway... smile.gif

    Great mod, just fix those German unit names.

  4. Dr. Lamb, I like the diplomacy idea. If I could add something to that, I would have an option where allied countries could turn on each other. It would probably be hard to program something like that, but it would allow for some interesting mods.

    Anyway...since we are on the topic of the global campaign, I would like to see a legitmate atomic bomb research option. I would make it expensive as hell to research, and it would have to be attached to a fully upgraded bomber, and when you use it on a city/port or enemy unit, the unit is completely destroyed and the city/port is destroyed for the rest of the game. You could also have the country that was hit with the atomic bomb suffer extreme loss of morale for all their units.

    I'm secretly trying to get nukes in this game smile.gif

  5. I've used the strategic bombers a lot, but used them more for ganging up on the Soviet tanks. I haven't had much of chance to strategic bomb because I'm just trying to keep the Soviets out of France. I completely dominated the Soviets in the water, I don't think they have a Navy left, and anytime they have the balls to bring a ship out it ends up dead that very turn. The carriers have been quite helpful. Yeah, if you didn't put an AI in to attack Italy that's pretty funny. If I didn't bring the Americans in, they would have taken Rome.

  6. Hmm...well I learn something new everyday. I didn't know about the occupation flag, but that was a great idea to put that in. I'm still in the middle of a battle right now...it's 1950 and Germany is still split down the middle. The Soviets take ground, then I take ground it goes back and forth. The Soviets took Turkey and the North half of Italy. I had to use most of all the American forces to kick the Soviets out of Italy, but they still have Venice. I'm also on the run in the Middle East, and the Soviets might take Jerusalem...I stink smile.gif

  7. Robert,

    Interesting mod, I must say I'm actually having fun with it.

    Observations, suggestions...

    There are a couple of spelling errors in your "Victory Conditions", I'm anal I notice these things.

    What's the deal with the weird backwards Cuban looking flag for Germany? Does that come into play later on in the game? If it does my bad...

    Does diplomacy work on Saudi Arabia? I threw three chits at them with the United States and it didn't budge after five turns.

    Also, since in WAW you can now add pictures to events, I think it would spruce up the game to add something say when a country surrenders.

    And finally, I don't know how much military equipment changed from 1945 to 1948, but it would be cool to add some sprites that would give it that 50's feel...that may be too time consuming however.

    Anyway, great job!

  8. I keep receive the following error message for a mod I'm working on.

    "Failed (draw_sprite_on_map_surface): Segmentation violation"

    I have also noticed this same error message on Normal Dude's "The Russians Are Coming".

    The game will just shut itself down. I know it must have something to do with the sprites but I can't figure it out. Also does anyone know how to set a grid up on photoshop so that you will know if your sprites are bleeding into another? I've tried popping up the grids, but they don't line up even with the original sprites that come with the game.

    If this topic has been covered just point me to the right post...much appreciated :D

  9. Powergmbh,

    Three problems I noticed while playing...

    You have Houston and a couple of oil field in the United States as a seperate country, they actually go Axis a little bit.

    The Sicilian port is definitely a problem, but that's been said before.

    I would also watch the amount of available units you allow, because your using such a large map, the strategic level is even bigger than normal. I wouldn't give Germany access to 16 plus Corp units, besides the more units you allow, the slower the AI will go.

    That's my two cents...

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