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Posts posted by shawnt63

  1. Just so you know, I am a huge Tolkien fanatic and have developed a board game (private use only), two sets of miniature rules (again private use) and own a couple thousand of the GW LOTR figures. I have read the books over 80 times, and I am currently working on a joint venture computer game with some other folks. I have also written a play on the Hobbit and the LOTRs, so I feel pretty confident in being able to put the meat of the game together. I want to also build this into a Second age campaign as well after I have completed the Third Age, War of the Ring, campaign.

  2. Nice ideas. Something I have been wanting is the ability to allow satellite allies to build up tech levels. Maybe there could be a tech which is something along the line of "Export technology to Allied Minors". This would allow your minor allies to purchase upgrades (maybe one level below the parent country). This would mean countries like Canada and similar would have a tech level equal to (or close) to their parent allied, and make them better off than a solo minor country that has no tech available. Right now I just add some points to the base unit ability but this isn't truly accurate as then the parent country needs to catch up and/or pass these allies to be where they should be in the arms race.

    Anyone else ponder this one?

  3. Hmmm, seems you have a one sided argument on Canada here. Let me put in my two cents, from a Western perspective. There is some racism in Canada just like anywhere else but not nearly to the degree you see south of the border. Overall we are less violent and have far fewer murders (even per capita) than our southern neighbor. As for Quebec, its not the people of Quebec I don't like, its the politics surrounding the province and the a** kissing that the federal government does all the time to appease the French speaking population. I am not advocating that Quebec shouldn't get their share, only that things should be even on both sides of the language laws, I could go into a vast number of disparities in the federal government but it is flogging a dead horse so I will leave it alone. The end result is that although it is aggrevating to have to hear it all the time Quebec does add something to the country. I am not an advocate of central government (especially in a country as large as Canada) so I agree with more powers at the provincial regional level, and in essence that is what the government of Quebec is asking for when it comes to Soveriegnty. If you actually listen to what they want it is independence from the debt accumulated over the years, freedom to deal with whom they wish for immigration, trade etc but keep the currency and all the ties to federal jobs etc. (cake and eat it too smile.gif ) and who wouldn't want all that! I would prefer to see a stronger provincial voice for all provinces (or region - the maritimes wouldn't do well as individual provinces). Lets face it, in specific terms what common ground do Quebecers and British Columbians have? Defence and Health I suppose, after that it breaks off rapidly, so if we gave more regional powers to govern eah would be able to keep their people happier as they would be more specific in setting goals etc.

    Canada is a great country, and despite the general apathy of the majority of the population it is by and large a fantastic place to live and thrive. We still have the best apples going when they are in season ;)

  4. Interesting thread! It is important to remember that the British Fleet Air Arm was not equipped with the same aircraft as the RAF and seemed to have fallen far behind their land based brother. They did try and catch up using both the Hurricane and Spitfire in a carrier based role, however the Spitfire or Seafire was just too weak in the undercarriage and the Sea Hurricane was...well, obsolete. The Fairey Barracuda, FIrefly, Seafury etc all showed the lessons learned and were in their own right very good aircraft. The other answer was to use US built carrier aircraft and a good number of Avengers, Corsairs and Wildcats ended up with the Roundel on the wing for the Royal Navy, Royal Canadian Navy and Royal Australian Navy. (amongst others) As for carriers, the armoured flight decks and hangars of the British did cause big problems with numbers as did lack of folding wings in earlier versions of carrier based aircraft. Carriers like the Hermes and Argus could only handle about 17 to 19 aircraft reasonably, while the "Fleet Carriers" like Glorious, Furious, Indomitable, Formidable and Illustrious topped out at between 40 and 52 aircraft or just over half the aircraft used on the standard USN or IJN carriers. The Ark Royal was the big boy for the RN with 60 and stayed that way until she was sunk and eventually the Indeftigable and Implacable which operated about 72 aircraft bringing them on par with the Japanese fleet carriers but were now about 18 to 28 aircraft behind the Essex class USN Carriers. The tail end of all this was the escort and light carriers. The RN operated a total of about 68 escort carriers with some manned by other navies, Canada for instance manned up the Nabob, Puncher and Warrior. The small carriers only carreied between 18 and 24 aircraft and had a top speed of about 18 knots and were designed to escort convoys and to look after aircover and airpatrol against wolfpacks. The Light carrier carried about 40 aircraft was as far as I know was used almost exclusively by the USN in the pacific.

    What I would like to see is an ASW type counter in the mix which would take into account the CVE and Destroyer aspect of navies. Very limited ability against major surface units but make the life of a submarine a living hell. Would be vulnerable to shore based air and battleships but would be a close match for a cruiser.

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