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Posts posted by Blackatmis

  1. I liked cheesy cmbb maps and had no complaints about them. Clearly two groups of people on this argument that's been going on for years here (yeah I don't have a zillion comments but am one of those weirdos that checks in to see what's new and rarely posts). Just so happens that the rmg for CM1 was what kept me playing it all these years and apparently, to the chagrin of the exacting detail crowd, there is a group of us out here that do love rmg's despite being dismissed as a vocal minority.

    Now despite that it's apparently a herculean effort to put an rmg together due to the complexity of cm2, don't belittle the crowd that likes the challenge of complete randomness (which is what I believe altipeuri was getting at steve - made sense to me) ;)

    and now I go back to the dark cave of my non-forum life and randomly and occasionally check in to see if red thunder is out yet....

    oh and steve, will there be a random map generator in red thunder? hahahahahaha

  2. I don't know about all the techno mambo jambo of why it can't be done, but the random map generator kept me playing CMBB for the last 10 years well past the shelf life. for the more anal, random maps will always be a nonstarter anyway. "they're just not sexy or historical enough." For those who like limitless replayability in the form of the rmg like CM1, well, we can dream.....or keep going back to CM1 for that fix. For those of us who's gaming experience was taken to the next level with an rmg, life is tough these days. not to say that red thunder isn't going to be the heavenly manna falling on us mortals still playing CMBB who have loved the new game engine, but have been waiting waiting waiting to get beyond normandy and italy to where germany actually lost the war.

  3. ....the eastern front gets neglected like a redheaded stepchild? I mean I know that Normandy, Africa, and Italy are more familiar to people in the West and I suppose for marketing reasons that's smart to have those versions first. If that is the case, it's a sad commentary on the West's ignorance that like 90% of the German Forces bled to death on the Eastern Front and the invasions of Normandy, Africa, and Italy are a scant drop in the bucket compared to the millions killed in Barbarossa. So this begs the question: when is CMBBx2?????? I'm just going to keep periodically asking until it finally rears its head.

  4. Hi all,

    I know I'm not the only one that gets into life things and other games and then comes back to CM after a hiatus. Been doing that off and on since CM came out. Instead of trying to search it out, could someone update me on the most active current sites for mods, maps etc, for CMBB? Is it still scenario depot or are there others now?

    Thanks in advance!

  5. Thanks for everything everyone has done so far with CMC. I agree that no doubt much good will come out of releasing the source code. If only I knew how to do that stuff! May the force be with those who are much smarter than I! I will be constantly tuned to the forum to see what progresses. In the meantime, set CMBB map to Huge and game type to Assault!

  6. 20 years ago I used to play the Advance Squad Leader boardgame with all the little cardboard chits. I had all of the map boards, like 100 of them. I actually developed my own campaign system by drawing out a huge map on a wall of the eastern front and marking the advancement of units and fighting out the individual battles. When CMBO came out it was like a dream to see ASL converted to the computer but the missing link for me was always that awesome campaign game I had set up with ASL. CMC is almost like a fulfillment of a dream to see that computerized as well. OK let me get back to my incantations and prayers that it will come soon.....

  7. I've got money earmarked and burning a hole in my pocket to give to Battlefront for CMC. It's a rough economy, don't you want it? If you're interested in showing demand for this game, please post a reply and we'll see how much demand we can show in the number of replies.

    I know it's been stated by one of the worker bees that there may be a possibility if they ever completely stopped development they might just push CMC out "as is" as an alternative to junking it. Please at least do that for us, Battlefront, as I am sure that there are modders out there who would tweak any outstanding issues.

  8. Hi all,

    Very fun game and a nice complement to CMBB when you want to get bigger picture. I have a couple questions. How do you completely remove a time limit in the game? I played until 1947 and was having a blast but then it stopped due to the stalemate function. Is it possible to turn off stalemate. I don't care about the historical accuracy.

    Thanks in advance.

    [ March 01, 2007, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: Paratrooper ]

  9. 20 years ago, I used to manually play the board game Squad Leader at the campaign level, keeping track of all the individual battles and then manually calculating the impact at a campaign level - all with just dice, a calculator, and a really big self made maps of European battlefields! I just noticed that the same thing is in development here for CMBB. This can't come soon enough. And I hope it still is coming. Give us a date so I can plan other inferior things for my life until it comes!!!!!!!!

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