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Posts posted by UglyElmo1

  1. When placing a FO in a building you want to use a short cover arc command, 50 meters or less, facing towards your artillery target. If you use the Face command instead your FO will engage any target within range with small arms, giving away their position...not good.

    I found this out the hard way during my early days.

    I will try that Animal Mother. Luckily, My FO's have been able to stay way back from the target area thus far. :) I would hate to have them break cover just to get a few pot shots off at the enemy.

  2. Thanks for the hints about using FACE and then DEPLOY to get my MG's better situated on the battlefield. Makes sense now that you mentioned it. :)

    Just to state again: I was not asking for changes to be made to the system to accomodate any of the items I mentioned. I was only saying it took me a bit to get used to the new interface, commands, and the inability to tweak waypoints. I just have to be more thoughtful as to how I first place them now.

    @Normal Dude: You've been around a long time my friend. I remember back in 2007 I was asking about Strategic Command 2 and you and a few others said my father would love the game. I bought it on your suggestions and he is still playing it today at the age of 82. Here is the thread: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=65677&page=2

    @GreenAsJade: I just read your post about the H2H helper program. Nicely done. You are very talented. I will have to try it out when I start playing MP more. I do have a question though: What does H2H stand for? I know it is a form of PBEM or type of MP, but I cannot for the life of me find any mention of its meaning. Any help would be appreciated.

    I don't post here much, but when I do, I always learn something valuable and find it time well spent.

    Thanks again everyone.

  3. I agree as well with Clark. The more information readily available at a glance, the better.

    Since I have only been playing a few days, I am not sure if this feature is available and I cannot see it or not:

    I would like to see a countdown timer for artillery calls. For example: I use an FO to call in some off-map artillery and it tells me 3 minutes until firing begins. I sometimes lose track of turns in the bigger games and would like to be able to check to see how much longer I must wait until the artillery begins. Is there a countdown timer I can check on the turns after calling in an arty strike? If not, I would find that a big help, especially when I have multiple like mortar/artillery units firing at different targets.

  4. I am mostly having problems placing Machine Gunners in the exact location I want them at the end of their movement. Especially when next to the Bocage. Plus, controlling where my spotters set up when they go into a building.

    Maybe the AI does a good job of placing them, but I am not used to it, and it is a feature I used continuously in CMBB and CMAK. I never mentioned a "need" to have them put back in, I just stated it took me a bit to get used to the way it is currently programmed.

    I did notice the old "time delay" figure missing and wondered if it was still implemented, but just not shown. Thanks for the info. Saved me from asking about it in another post or having to play with it in-game. :)

  5. I was getting my posterior handed to me by the AI, until I learned how to use demo charges to blow up sections of the Bocage. What a difference it makes! No longer am I forced into bottlenecks with little or no means of flanking the enemy.

    So if you are not aware of how to use demo charges on the bocage, learn so. Your success rate in battle will go up quickly.

    If your unit has demo charges (like the pioneer unit), there is a command called "Blast". Click on it, then click on the bocage section you want to blow up and "BOOM" You have a new access point for both your infantry and tanks. If the little circle for the blast command is on the opposite side of what you want to blow a hole in, then your infantry demo unit will walk through the hole after it blows. If you keep it on your side of the bocage your infantry demo unit will stay put.

    I have played all the old Combat Mission games and have been playing this for approximately 2 days. It took me a bit to get used to . . . no tweaking waypoints, new mortar/artillery commands, along with the slightly different interface . . but I am enjoying this game. I would like to have a bit more control over my units, but the AI is fairly competent if you make short movements instead of long movements with many waypoints.

    Overall, I would say this game has the potential to be the best of the combat series. I was burned out on CMBB and CMAK, and CMBN is just different enough to get me interested in the series again.

    Well done.

  6. Just an update:

    I took you guys at your word and purchased the game bundle before I let my father play the demo. It appears my trust was well founded since my father played the demo last night, and enjoyed it so much, he asked me where he could buy it. I told him it was still in development and would be out after Christmas . . . because I know him: He would run out, buy it right away and ruin his Christmas surprise. hehe

    Needless to say, this good ole Kentucky boy thanks you again.



  7. Thanks guys. I appreciate your help in my decision. I will be purchasing the bundle as soon as I get off work today. I played the demo, and it looks to be similar in play style to PG2, but with a lot more depth. However, I enjoyed it, without being familiar with the minute details, which means my father can enjoy playing it. Who knows, he might enjoy it so much he decides to actually read the game manual! LOL Probably not.

    PS: If he doesn't like it, it has the added benefit that I will have a new game to play. smile.gif I also use my kids as an excuse to buy all those nifty new toys out now. Yup, I'm a 45 year old kid and damned proud of it.

    Once again, thanks for taking the time to give me your opinions.

  8. My father, who is in his late 70's, and who enjoyed the Panzer General 2 PC game, is looking for a new war game similar to PG2, which will run on the Vista OS.

    I have a few questions, which will decide if I purchase this game or not for him.

    1. Will it run on the Vista OS?

    2. Is this a game which will play similar to the Panzer General series, so my father will easily be able to pick up how to play? He isn't a hardcore war gamer by any means.

    3. If not, could anyone offer up a suggestion for a Panzer General type of game? I have been having a very hard time finding something similar to his beloved PG2.

    BTW: I have purchased all the Combat Mission games from CMBO to Afrika Corp and have enjoyed each and every one for years. Which is why I came to this forum for some ideas for a present for my father. He likes his PG2 game for its simplicity of play, and hasn't learned to love the CM series like myself. I am currently playing 2 CMBB & 3 CMAK PBEM games, but would like to find something I can play with him.

    I really appreciate your help in this.


  9. I played in a CMBB league awhile back, over at another site, and for the life of me cannot remember the name of the site. Could those of you with a much better memory than this old man, point me in the right direction?

    What are some of the names of websites that hold CM leagues as well as leagues for other wargames? I will remember the name when I see it and will be much indebted to you for helping me remember.

    Sorry to bother you guys as well, but what's an old man to do? smile.gif

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