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Posts posted by 1Cowboy8

  1. LMAO! Perfect video. Feed this to IGN and Gamespot and reel in all those BF2, Blitzkreig, and CoH worshipping unwashed masses with dollar bills in their fists. Bring em in by the boatload I say. Lord knows I have burned many dollar bills buying crappy WWII "strategy/resource management" games, now its their turn!

    Screw the whiney grogs....full steam ahead!

    Here here for a brilliant marketing tactic......drinks all round.

  2. You drew first blood ya stupid Canuk. So yes I will take time out of my day to walk across the playground and kick the **** out of a bully, especially one that tries to come across as righteous and intelligent. It is very satisfying indeed to me.

    My life and its success is not in question. But since you ask, yes I grew up on a cattle ranch that has been in my family since the 1880's, and we still work it today. As for my day job I am a professional engineer that builds infrastructure for municipalities. So yes I have achieved all my goals and now give back to my community and family, making their lives better and can smile the day I lay down in my coffin for accomplishing so much for so many.

    It is your life that appears troubled Michael.....perhaps you should speak to your wife about a change? A move perhaps to a new location? How is the new job? Is your new boss all he is cracked up to be?

    Yeesss........yessss.....I can see you clearly Michael. Come come, things will get better. Now shoo little butterfly.....shoo.

  3. Let us assume said troll above spent 1 minute per post. Hmm...my my that would be 14 days posting 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. And this is just one forum!

    I know what will be on his tombstone:

    "I spent so much time typing out worthless drivel about how much I knew about how other people lived their lives, that I forgot to live a life of my own. Please do not do to your life what I did to my life, save yourselves the grief."

  4. No I am specifically stating tactical AI, because thats where the rubber hits the road, the pedal hits the metal, yada yada. Player irritation develops when someone sees their men break cover and run directly for the next hedgerow when GEEHOSEFRITZ didn't they know that MG nest was right there? Dammit I will do all the orders from now on you stupid AI sergeant...your demoted to private!!

    Strategic AI is scripted like a chessmaster. Not enough machine intelligence to adapt to a changing battlefield for it to compete decently with a human. Someday perhaps.


  5. Damn....scroll back through these posts and NOT ONE STATES: "Well I guess if the enemy AI is sharp enough to wipe out my troops then I guess MY troop AI should be good enough to handle a situation that arises and wipe out those enemy troops just as easily."

    Hmm think about them apples for a second.....If you didn't like the enemy AI then this game would be your coffee cup coaster before you could say "Jiminy Cricket this game sucks". Soooo, I guess if the AI is good enough to be shot at and not roll over, then it should be good enough to be on your team too.

  6. Agreed, I envision Turn-Based (time challenged) proponents as little Golems running around waving their arms up and down and (in your best Golem voice) screaching "CLICKfest"..."CLICKfest"....."CLICKfest". But if they want a pause button then fine have at it but they should at least drop the "its the only realistic way to simulate how a commander had complete control" for f*&^ sake.

    Thank God for computers and game evolution...the sky is the limit for creating an ever more realistic and playable 4-D environment.

  7. Works like a charm everytime, they come out of the woodwork like cockroaches when the lights go out.....lmao!


    Sadly you are a poor lost soul. He who is one that trolls late a night because his dog went to sleep and he can't kick him anymore. Tsk tsk, I feel for ya son, your life must sadly be one of utter desolation. Feel free to walk outside and scream at the top of your lungs to your neighbors "Life has not been fair to Me!" and shoot yourself in the head...the right side eye socket near the nose bridge horizantally will put you down quickly enough. Make sure you stand next to the trash bin so you fall INTO the bin. They can clean your mess up quicker that way.

    Be gone with you now! Shoo little butterfly...shoo

  8. WTF? :(

    A 5 year old C&C game called ToW is hogging the Net buzz. Need some serious street pounding by BFC marketeers to hammer home a good game to the ignorant unwashed masses.

    OFP: Best FPS game out there that was overlooked by many in America, sadly.

    Heres wishing you the best that you can broaden you market plan and find a happy medium of getting this out somehow to all types of players.

  9. Agreed this is a smart decision to make even from the perspective of a casual gamer like me who doesn't have worthless historic trivia memorized to spew out.

    One of my tests whether to buy a new game came down to the fact, if they had multiple screenshots of tanks 50 meters apart shooting at one another it was scratched off my list as trash.

  10. This may have been addressed elsewhere in the fourms, sorry if so, but I am curious if a tactical realism camera mode will be provided? I.e. a mode that institutes a rigid camera control from the perspective of about 3 meters above the commander head on the field or only eye height of all soldiers on the field.

    To each their own but it would be a great option to restrict a player to seeing only what the commander and soldiers can actually see. I realize some people want to float all around like a bird, but in multiplayer this is a nice feature to lock the players in to their soldiers.

    In this 3D age it should be implemented more. I have never been fond of the 2D open field scenario and "presto" the computer calculates a soldier is now "seen" and magically they appear!

    It's a different feeling hearing distant rumbling but not knowing exactly what it is until it crests the ridge in front of you. With an unrealistic global drone camera you can see what it is a kilometer away and plan accordingly.

  11. Well, this is my second post and apparently I will simply be scouring this forum looking to insult every Grog Troll I can find until I get banned by BFC.

    Why these people deem it necessary to trash a product that is still under development rather than simply make as many constructive comments as possible is baffling. These people insist on having control of their sandbox and if they don't get their way then they knock down the sand castle and pout.

    I am a consumer that plays CC, OFP and WWIIOL. I am a different type of consumer that will prefer immersive RTS. I tried a demo of CM and was completely turned of by the "turn" based and "unit" game. WTF is that? Turn-based? Unit based? Wait wait...I need to scratch my ass why I try to give orders to my "unit" soldier icons. Uugh a board game on the computer yay! Use the fricking Pause button ffs. But you know what? I didn't buy CM but will buy ToW.

    Lord I could go on and on about these idiots whining but I'll just pick one:

    No tank riding...waaah! Give me a fricking break. What the f%&$ do you think trucks are for you dipstick. Was that part of the grand Axis strategy to ride tanks? LMFAO no they just didn't have trucks in the area to move up so they hopped tanks. By golly in this game you get a spiffy Opel or GMC with a brand new paint job to move your troops. No troops hobbling across those fields with sore butts after bouncing on that steel tank....nosirree. Wait...did CM model sore butts and the mobility reduction?

    Your precious CMx2 hasn't been impacted by this game development. Please go to that forum and bitch that its not done yet and that the realism isn't perfect on it yet either. Otherwise step off Bozos and let these men work.

  12. Oh....my....God, just happened across the discussion on the WWIIOL forums and saw this game mentioned. The game looks like a winner guys, I hope it does real good for you.

    UUgh....I see the Grog Trolls descended quickly here. Lord do they irritate me. Someone posted on Waterloo, that the whole battle revolved around three buildings. Of course they failed to say that 99.999% of the actual battle occurred in the surrounding fields...not the buildings. Hard to get several thousand troops and field guns in such a small structure.

    Sadly they are misinterpreting houses as places of real battle. A farmhouse is only good to get out of the rain, fix a cup o' Joe, and get someone on the roof with binoculars IF....and only IF its higher than the trees and hills, which it rarely is. Otherwise its an artillery magnet and a good place to get killed. I would much rather be holding Hill 272 in some bushes, with an easy backslope retreat from artillery.

    Anyhoo, I am brand new here and of course my first post I looked at was the same "know-it-alls" that threaten "I wont buy this if X special feature isn't in it". Step off you Bozos and let the men work.

    Matt, Moon, Mega - Thanks for being so informative and courteous here. Your doing great. Hope you are still that way in December and not grouchy old men by then :D

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