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Posts posted by GrAL

  1. Well, if you want to hear my user/gamer opinion, then listen.

    As I understood, you have AGP slot not PCI-E, so am I (at home). I was searching a good, fast and cheap video card for a long time... And I've found it!

    ATI Radeon X800XL 256Mb from GeCube, i like it much.

    Here in Russia it costs 160-180$$ or something about it.

    IMHO It's one of the best cards for AGP slot cards in range of 200$.

    It has good potential for overclocking.

    What is more important, most of the latest games runs on it smoothly on "High Detail"

    [ September 16, 2006, 07:20 AM: Message edited by: GrAL ]

  2. It's not a shooter you know. You'll forget about unjamming arms as soon as battle starts belive me.

    And speaking about "simple animation" - well it is not so simle you think.

    And you know, one game can't include everything you want.

  3. Actually they give some pressure on PC performance, that’s why we made such option.

    Dead do not have any morale effect, when soldiers see some one of their friends dieing they moral level is decreasing.

    Thanks to you for being interested in our game. %))

    P.S. It's a pity, but we don't have undead %)))

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