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Posts posted by gmfrank

  1. Just played this last night... quite a good challenge!


    I concentrated two platoons of my tank forces to the left flank with the rest in keyhole positions around the bus terminal, along with all the infantry residing at the barracks and motor pool. I was hoping the Blue forces would come right down the road and could get caught in a heavy cross-fire as they reached the bus terminal. While they engaged the infantry, I would open up with my ATGMs and recoilless rifles, hopefully scoring a flank hit. I only placed a few MGs at the front line, and concentrated the remainder of the infantry around the mosque. I figured any front line infantry would be chewed up by long range fire over the open desert. I left the blocking force on the left flank trenches.

    The infantry hooked to my left flank, but did concentrate on the mosque. Artillery and my infantry pinned them down there for the remainder of the scenario, but I only caused a handful of causalities to his infantry (looks like they were mostly exhausted then anything else). A number of light vehicles (jackels and scimitars) also accompanied the infantry down the left (I don't think any hit those mines!). I engaged at semi-close range with left flank trench force (which took a beating from artillery... shoulda use your shelters!), but they were wiped out quickly.

    The main body of tanks all barreled right down the main road with no infantry support and eventually hit my ambush. The infantry really only have one RPG shot before they break, which can be frustrating. I knocked out 4 tanks and immobilized a fifth at or around the terminal. But the tanks basically wiped out over a company of infantry, all anti-tank assets, and any key holed tanks around the terminal. At this point I used my flanking tank force to engage the light vehicles, but didn't anticipate the challengers at the terminal would so quickly react. I lost all but one in the process, but did some heavy damage to the mixed group of light vehicles.

    By this point I had a few isolated infantry units at the mosque, one unit at the barracks, and my battalion CP at the motor pool. I tried to pull off a flank attack with my last T-55 using the walls of motor pool as cover, but the challengers brewed it up quick. I called a cease fire then and there.

    Came out to be a draw all said and done... and I couldn't imagine getting anymore lucky then I did with this... I'll have to try again and see if I can come up with a victory! Very tough scenario, I am amazed how much I concentrated at the bus terminal and how little they did before routing. A knocked out tank crew returning fire caused almost a WHOLE platoon to rout, really does drive the point home that reserve troops sure are brittle.

    Look forward to more scenarios!

  2. Frankly, I am disgusted with the lack of progress in fixing the campaign. As Melnibone just stated, this problem was observed 2 MONTHS AGO. I'm sure the new patch will have all sorts of goodies, but without knowing what exactly whats all in the patch, I question the rationale behind making loyal customers wait months to get what presumably would be a hotfix to fix the campaign issues.

    If there are underlying issues that make the campaign design more difficult, should not they be address after at least making the current one playable? I don't think we're asking for much here... I did in fact pay for a game that had a complete campaign advertised prior to its release.

  3. Hey guys

    There was a discussion on the scenario and mod thread but I thought it should be re-incarnated in the main forum.

    A number of people have reported the campaign is ending after the Debouch to Disaster scenario, win or lose. Has anybody gone on to missions following it? The website clearly shows a number of missions following it... Is this another glaring error that has made it through to release, or has the game changed since the website updates?

  4. Either way, I have to admit I'm pretty unimpressed with the poor state of the marine campaign. They had their own timetable to release this when ever they felt it was ready How did glaring errors like the paths in the mountain or (if nobody can get past DtD, that issue) get through to the release?!

  5. bodkin


    I had trouble with those T-55's during the initial attack as well in the final mission. I had blunted the infantry assaults on the southern sector, but just didn't have luck taking the Tanks out. They basically were sitting in the middle of my positions while my remaining forces hid (I tried to grenade them from the rooftops... the tanks were not amused and blew them to hell).

    Once the first group of reinforcements arrived I was able to stalk the tanks with my AT teams. It was oh so sweet to finally take those bastards out!

  6. Paper Tiger... (not pandur) :rolleyes: Let's how many times I can write something that makes no sense in this thread...

    I would have to say my favorite mission was the "boys are back in town" mission.


    Throwing a company against my recon element supported only by two BMP's was pretty intense, especially when my only ATGM was unable to take out any of the T-62s as they rushed to cemetery hill. I only had two T-72 TURMS arriving in the mission, and had to play some serious shoot and scoot to take out the T-62s holding that hill. Then I finally enjoyed a good knock out brawl in the city supported by tons of BMP's and my T-72's on the ridges overlooking the town. It had it all for me! I did like the epic armor on armor stand in the proceeding mission (i have forgotten its name off the top of my head).

    One question about that mission though... the enemy ATGM teams were hiding in the corner of the map near the largest hill where the briefing had suspected them to be. They didn't have much of a LOS/LOF on any of my units and ended up surrendering without firing a shot when I took the town. Was that intentional? Perhaps I didn't take any routes that would have open me up to a flank attack by them...

  7. Pandur

    I completed the campaign the other day. I didn't feel that the final mission was overly difficult with the resources given to me... and trust me a few of my core platoons had taken an absolute beating over the campaign...

    Ammunition was the only tricky part, but I hazard that was your objective in the mission. Lots of supply runs back to the BTR's to fill up on ammo!

    Overall good campaign, I enjoyed it immensely!

  8. Paper Tiger


    Knocked out "Buying the Farm" over the weekend. Excellent Scenario! I won a major victory in control of all objectives by the time limit. One of my SF companies holding the farm (which I reduced to ruble with my T-55s during the initial attack) was absolutely mauled by that sneaky counterattack though! Hoping to fire up breakout later today!

  9. Good campaign, I rarely play Red on Red, and it's been quite eye opening to "see how the other side lives" in the game. Almost to phase 2, looking forward to how those missions play out!

    I have one question (not quite related to campaign) but does anybody notice when you double click on a dismounted mechanized platoon leader, it selects all infantry and ALL the platoons BMPs as well?

    I don't recall this happening with any American units and their mounts. Quite annoying... lost a more then a few BMPs by moving them from their cover accidentally...

  10. Did a quick search didn't see this up...

    It pertains to something I've noticed that when commanding troops that undertaking any movement command in WEGO 1.07.

    If I have a squad of troopers moving to a point, and at the end of the turn, I delete the current move order and give them new movement commands (lets say 3 waypoints), they will always ignore the first NEW movement command. So the troops will move to the second waypoint I've given them and then the third.

    It turns into a real headache when you only give one new movement command. The troops will ignore the order, stop short and wait for the entire turn... not so good when they are under fire.

    Anybody else see this happening? I don't recall it occuring in earlier versions. :confused:

  11. I am also seeing this strange lack of effectiveness of javelins against the T-72s in the scenario (I am playing on veteran difficulty, WEGO). I am absolutely amazed:

    I have almost completely depleted my javelin stocks. Overall I think i've only destroyed about half of the T-72s. Some tanks have taken upwards of 4 direct hits in open ground and are still rolling along. Others seemed to have been knocked out by one.

    Given the top-down nature of the javelin attack, is reactive armor going to even be an issue? I don't recall the TURM-T upgrade having any reactive armor on its roof (though I'm no grog). Either way I was under the impression that even state of the art tanks aren't going to shrug off a javelin hit, let along 3+.

  12. I also have observed a startling ability of strykers to shrug off sustained BMP-2 autocannon fire.

    A MGS took a pretty serious pounding for almost 2 full turns from 2 BMP-2s at about 400-ish meters. It took its time during those turns and blew each to hell with its gun. No casualties to the crew, but I don't recall what type of vehicle damage (if any) had occurred.

    Off hand 30mm bursts (HE or AP) seem like they should shred a stryker pretty bad...

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