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Posts posted by Bencoder

  1. I think the game was somewhat high-end graphics-wise when it first went into development. But, as someone else pointed out, that was a few years ago. This game suffered from problems with publisher support and that led to delays.

    At least it found a good home with BF and will actually be released.

  2. From the gamut of games I have seen, some are dual-core capable (but with varying degrees of 2nd core utilization)-- others run fine with dual-core but don't support the second core.

    And there are other mostly older games that will crash unless you disable one of the two cores in the system. Luckily, that is easy to do.

  3. Da Beginna

    You don't even have to use an external slowdown program....just left-click the desktop icon and set compatability level in "properties" to Windows 98...works perfectly for me!

    I'm still playing CC5 with mods only. I just completed the Stalingrad mod and I am about 90% of the way through the France '40 mod. I think I'll try the Afrika Korps mod next....This is a lot of fun. Playing against the AI is fairly easy, but there are some challenging moments. It would be much more challenging if the AI were better.

  4. It seems like this is a topic that gets raised about every computer wargame that comes along. That and maximum deployable troop levels per scenario. I was reading some WWII government stuff that refers to attack fronts typically used in combat. They refer to company-sized fronts as 330-500 meters and battalion-sized at 400-1100 meters. Interestingly, all those Close Combat maps which seemed so undersized turned out to be about right for company level deployments. My feeling is that huge maps aren't very useful unless you've got the troops to fill 'em up, but there are always unusual situations. Plus, why limit yourself if it's not necessary.

    I'm playing the Stalingrad CC mod right now, and it's a blast....it's just a shame that no one can up the troop unit count from 15 because newer computers could easily handle 3+ times as many on-screen units. Apparently Mattel or whoever holds the rights to the series refuses to release info related to the game code. Pity.

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