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War Gecko

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Posts posted by War Gecko

  1. My friend and I generally play quick battle maps with the ability to select our own forces. Generally we go with a randomized map of the year 1941. I generally pick the Soviets as my friend is more familiar with German forces. During one of these games, I thought of making a soviet AT defense. This is typically constructed of 6-7 76 mm AT regimental guns, 4 or so Maxim machine guns and a mix of sub machine gun squads with rifle squads (regular). There is also a large amount of trenches (about 10 or so if I remember correctly) arranged in a semi-circle from the edge of the map to the other, depending on tree coverage and hill locations.

    The troops would be arranged accordingly with what I perceive to be his main thrust according to the map and foliage. Typically I put the sub-machine gun squads next to areas that I think he will try to attack and move around forces from trench to trench if applicable during the approach if a reserve is possible. After those the rifle squads are used. They are used for medium range support and are moved around as necessary if available. With the rifle squads and behind them are the machine guns. They are used for suppression and, well, for killing. The AT guns are spread around the map, generally in clusters that are spread out enough as to hopefully cause most artillery to be ineffective, especially if done in a small area. This is a loose assessment, of course.

    This works since the auto-assigner generally selected a German attack or probe for some reason. Anyway, I did this strategy for 3 or 4 games in a row and he wasn't able to get any of the flags. We also tried artillery, but that didn't work, either.

    It's a 1000 point medium map. What type of German forces and/or strategy would you suggest to tackle this type of defense assuming an average map for 1941.

    (note: It doesn't seem that concentrated tank support, or artillery, even if heavy, seems to work. We tried both of those and still failed.)

  2. Greetings, Cabe.

    The short answer to your question is no, there isn't. I'm not an expert in that sort of thing and I'm not sure what sort of bugs there are, but none of them seem game-breaking.

    As far as why you are playing so poorly, it's hard to tell without further information. Not that I would recommend you enlisting me to instruct you. I could tell you the differences between the panther A and G (roughly) but I am no military genius. Anyway, you don't tell us which game you are playing, who you are playing as, the force types, etc. etc. It is a heck of a lot different, as I'm sure you can imagine, playing as a crack King Tiger as compared to, let's say, a confused young Italian in his baby tank-like-thing. Also, things are treated differently, as I'm assuming you could gather, from game to game. Different force types as well as just how the game handles those things. (or so I have been led to believe).

    Overall, in regards to whether one sucks or not, I would just assume they suck. I just assume I suck when I lose and try to play better. Not to be so presumptuous as to believe you have the brain capacity of a lemur, but, quite frankly, your posts hint on a sort of ... lack of understanding.

    Did you search the forums for any known bugs and/or defects in the game in which you are playing? I know there was a bug in CMBO regarding flack trucks, although I'm not sure what kind of bug that was right now(do a search). Did you check for any bias and/or lack of realism? JasonC himself thinks that there is a lot of unrealistic qualities about these games. One example is the "bias" towards German units in CMBB that he has been talking about for a while. I haven't personally checked them to see if they are right, but I see no reason why Jason would randomly lie to us(as there would be no point). I haven't seen all of your posts, but, given your two posts here, it doesn't seem as if you did that. If you did, go ahead and post what you have found or wait until someone more knowledgeable than I am shows up.

    Finally, about your accusation of JasonC being abusive. I believe (through past reading of his posts) that Jason was just telling you the honest truth. You probably do suck. Frankly, what else was he supposed to tell you? If there are no cheats then how else should we explain it? I doubt you are playing the likes of Jason, or Fionn, or ... I don't know, whoever is regarded as good at this. So he gave you the answer you were looking for. Maybe the answer isn't what you wanted?

    I doubt a lot of people would go to the trouble of what I just did(and indeed a lot of people, I would imagine, won't appreciate the ordeal at all) . I also used my very first post on these here threads to tell you this. You should consider yourself lucky. I was hoping to lurk around for another couple of years to get the all-time-lurker badge.

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