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Posts posted by frieze

  1. Just to back up to the stated topic of the post for a second, does anyone have any insight into the tactics used by the israelis in these situations? I have to assume that serving IDF members will be a bit reticent about this but I know that Hizbullah isn't the only group that's been preparing for this conflict for the past few years. Does anyone have any insight into what the unique challenges are in moving forces of the composition the israelis have (mostly armor and armor supported infantry is what things look like to me) against an enemy relying more on anti-tank weapons and small arms? Given that they have the task of a)looking for Hizbullah fighters and b)finding and destroying rocket caches, what size groups would you think made sense to deploy on individual missions? And how much has the strategic play of destroying lebanese infrastructure (bridges and roads primarily) in order to hurt resupply and troop movement altered the battlespace to the israeli's disadvantage tactically since they are using a more armored force?

  2. From what I read (primarily via the links off defense industry daily) it seems that the missile system (C-802) uses interial guidance for launch followed by active radar for terminal targeting. My understanding from what I read about that is that a launch crew could use simple (though recent) positional information on the target from conventional nagivation radar to get a good enough fix on the target and then be well on their way out of the area by the time the missile reached its active radar stage. In my mind this tactic would be the naval equivalent of having an undercover (or guerrilla or covert or whatever the term currently is) spotter walk through an enemy's positions on a seemingly innocuous task in order to measure ranges for mortar or artillery strikes. Clearly it is a gambit that cannot be employed on a large scale, but it is effective both operationally and in terms of the added suspicion it places on non-combatants. It seems a bit out of the scope of a CM type game. That said, I could imagine an adjustable set of operational orders one could give troops whereby one would have to balance the concern of not potentially attacking civilians with that of protecting oneself from undercover enemy agents.

  3. I don't have the materials at work but the manhattan project kept producing fissile material and bombs after the preparation of the first two bombs on a continual basis. It is safe to assume that the US could have engaged in such a war, though I don't think this is a sensible topic for this forum. One that is however is what effect tactical nukes could have in CM:SF. Assuming that one side has access to a device that, for the sake of argument, could destroy say 20% of the battlespace at one stroke. How would you alter your strategy to deal with this eventuality. At one level it would just be a form of super-artillery or super-mine, but on the other hand the EMP effects and the morale and health drop from radiation exposure and such could make for an interesting scenario.

  4. Maybe there's some deeper nomenclature issue here that I am missing, but from a gaming perspective aren't IEDs identical to command detonated explosives or land mines? From a strategic or political perspective they differ in that they are not being issued by a conventional military, but in practice I can't see a big difference. Except for VBIEDs, which are fairly unique in terms of the tactical challenge they present.

  5. Okay, my g4 that would run in classic mode has been put to sleep and I have a question. If I buy the windows version of CM and run it in virutalPC, will it work? I'm running a dual G5 power mac, so my concern is really whether the additional computational horsepower of the machine will make up for the lack of hardware rendering caused by virtualpc. That and whether directx et al will function at all. This issue has been discussed on the forum in the past, but the last real post addressing this exact issue that I saw was three years old, so I was hoping for some new insight. Has anyone out there got a mac with virtualpc on it that they can try a demo on?

  6. I'd say that, if one were to become available, bundling a playable demo would be a huge coup for BFC. That said, simply having a well featured link to a demo on the apple webpage could do a lot to bolster support for this game in the mac community. While overall macs are of course not a very significant percentage of the home computer market, mac users tend to spend a lot of money, so hopefully some of it would go BFCs way. That said I no longer run any PCs at home so my reasons for pushing CM:SF on the mac are totally selfish.

  7. I'd say that this is primarily of interest in that it demonstrates just how ineffective even a fairly well equipped insurgent force can be when attempting to face an even better trained and equipped adversary. On paper one might assume that an ambush on the men disembarking from helicopters would be fairly successful, but I must assume that the superior training undergone by the British troops greatly reduced the advantages posed by "home ground" cover.

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