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Posts posted by alessillo

  1. Thank you very much,

    look here I have taken the mesh files of the su100 and I have pasted them in the \data\meshes\t72 folder and I renamed them like the files of the t34 (mt34_0.x, mt34_1.x, mt34_2.x, mt34_3.x) and this is the result


    I drive the su100!

    Note that the texture is the snow texture I made in ten seconds and it's not good for the su100.

    And this is the driver view


    There are no commander view and machinegun view

  2. In the datapack.cd you must search for "xd0t55, data\textures\TECHN\" and "yd0t55_bump, data\textures\TECHN\" these are the skin files, they are two .dds file; once converted and saved in the data\textures\TECHN\ folder tou can edit them. Note that when you save the file with 010 Editor you must save the the file with the extension dds.

  3. I begin using the XVI32 hexeditor

    I open datapack.cd and find the start point of the texture xvi32start5dn.jpg

    here I use Edir-> Block mark


    then I search for AZRC (the end of the file in datapack.cd)


    at this point I move the cursor in the position immediatly left of AZRC and I use EDIT-> Block mark


    then I copy to clipboard


    now I start 101Editor, make File->new and I paste


    now I go to the start position of the file and I delete the first four bytes (this may be done also after the binary inversion)

    at this point I select TOOLS->operations->binary invert


    and I select this options


    Now I save the file as su1t55_armor.tga in the \data\textures\armor

    It is important to note that the true skin of the tanks are in the \data\textures\techn folder and are .dds files

  4. You don't import the new textures in the datapack.cd, you save the new textures in the t-72\data\taxtures\techn\(.tga files) and t-72\data\textures\armor\(.dds files) these folder must be created by the user. When the game start reads these folders, if there are new files (like my test files), the game loads the new files and does not load the files in the datapack.cd.

  5. This is the problem, I have extracted the t72 texture manually, using the "010 Editor"; if you open the datapack.cd with the editor you will read data like this "su1t72_armor, data\textures\armor" this is the position in the file where begin the texture of the t72, and the file ends where there is "AZRC". So you must copy this part of the datapack.cd, open a new file (in the 010 editor) and then use the menu tools->operations->binary invert; at this point select the hex option and then OK. This operation will decrypt the file, in fact all the data in the datapack.cd are "inverted". Now save the file in the t-72\data\textures\armor folder with the name su1t72_armor.tga

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