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Posts posted by jkm

  1. i declared war on denmark with a corps outside of iceland. i took reyjavik on the first turn and then copenhagen on the second turn. iceland reverts from being occupied by the germans to being controlled by the british. the german corps gets kicked back to the benelux.

    waiting a turn on a late denmark attack isn't an option because the british bomber shows up on the same turn as independence.

  2. Originally posted by Edwin P.:


    We need a parameter or script that will tell the AI which script (planning, diplomacy, research or purchase) to run first, second, third and fourth.

    To ensure you have MPPs for Diplomacy you may want this script to run first at the start of the game, but when diplomacy is of lesser importance you may want this script to run last.

    order of events isn't that big of a deal, especially since diplomacy and research have hard caps on them. we just need to build some more scripts for diplomacy. i do think it needs another variable that detects deltas (so if spain goes up to the axis, the allies move diplomacy chits over to it) though.
  3. for purchase scripting, it would be nice to be able to increase the percentage chance of building another unit if the AI has exceeded build limits.

    so if they have maxed out corps, you can up the % chance to buy on armies and tanks

    maybe Purchase_Condition [Type of Unit] [unit Pool Available] [Minimum Necessary]

    so you could have 2 scripts for russia

    #Purchase_Condition [Corps] [from game = 0] [1]

    #Purchase_Condition [Army] [from game = 8][1]

    and it would skip the first plan (defensive) and go to the second which would be more geared to offensive game play

    this way we could write multiple purchase scripts that would allow the AI to move past the build limits and keep from hording MPPs.

  4. for the research scripting engine we need a couple of flags for the scripts.

    one is a flag that determines if the script is for a buy/sell. if the AI gets in a bind and needs some quick MPPs it should be able to reclaim its chits at 1/2 price to build more troops or to reallocate the chit into a tech that has a higher % chance of success.

    the second is an additional parameter for each tech that states the maximum level that you can invest in that tech. for example, if you set the maximum for IW to 3 and russia is at IW2 and has one chit in that category the condition fails.

  5. while the AI upgrades its units a lot now, especially in russia, it still does it only one point at a time. so if the AI has level 3 IW and level 2 motorization, it will take 5 turns to upgrade the unit.

    it doesn't upgrade tanks/aircraft/rockets at all.

    the only units that it adds elite reinforcements too are the imported troops (siberian/pacific naval forces)

    the russian AI is not very aggressive at all. i let them accumulate 3 deep tiles through the north versus 2 deep corps and they would only attack with frontline units.

    the russian AI has a tendency to want to put troops in the square to the west of riga. they lose a unit a turn due to naval bombardment

  6. one problem i noticed is with the US actually spending their MPPs on the most difficult setting. after an early sea lion, i was faced with a russian horde to deal with (3 tiles deep in the north). the US tried to free the british isles with an amphibious attack (no HQ support) that surprised me, but after that, they did nothing. at the end of the game, they had over 6000 MPPs, yet they still had strength 5 army's guarding NYC.

    russia also seemed to give up building units once they ran out of corps/armies to build. they didn't ever build a tank/fighter group/rocket nor replace them if they were destroyed. the russian AI tends to concentrate almost all of its forces in the north now, instead of attacking north and south. i purposely left the bulgaria undefended yet they never once made an approach towards that sector.

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