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Posts posted by tshare

  1. Can anyone tell me why some mines don't work. I was playing online last night and someone else on my team placed many mines. I then watched in amazement as the attacking team's thors and paladins rolled over them without any effect.

  2. Am I the only player who has problems using units adjacent or under buildings? When I am adjacent to buildings, my view automatically jumps to be from above the building, making it difficult to see anything on the ground. This is especially problematic for infantry. Every time I try to use a building for cover, my view jumps to above the building. Of course, I can use the gunnery view, but that makes navigation and targeting very difficult. Please let me know if there is a solution that I am missing.

  3. I recently encountered some odd behavior from the ditches and walls dug with the cutter. After building a ditch and wall using two passes. I watched a bot shoot an ion cannon directly through the wall. I tried shooting through the wall with a 120mm but the shell appeared to be stopped. A moment later I watched several bots drive through the wall without any perceptible effect. The bots appeared to be driving on a flat surface.

    Has anyone else noticed this?

  4. In David Weber’s “Bolo!”, vehicles are dropped from orbit on their own pallets. Such a system implemented in DropTeam would alleviate several of the problems mentioned on these forums. For instance, dropping vehicles on disposable pallets and infantry in pods would reduce the loss of so many expensive dropships. Dropships would still play a primary role in picking up units and providing resupply.

  5. Are there any plans for adding more powerful units along the lines of Laumer & Weber’s Bolos or Steve Jackson Games’ Ogre & GEV? Having recently read Weber’s “Bolo!”, it seems that Drop Ship fits the battles depicted very well. Thanks

    [ May 24, 2006, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: tshare ]

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