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Posts posted by seel38

  1. I guess you can always use the "what if" when playing a game. Same goes for WW II as in modern times, which is why you play the game.

    For me though WWII is the pinnacle of warfare, just the right amount of technology, but not too much. I guess for me I could do the modern combat game if it was in CM1, I could see it as kind of fun re-creating some small unit actions or somehow developed it into a larger "what if battles". I just do not like the real time stuff. I don't like the little colored dots that move around and trying to follow the action gives me a headache, it's like the game plays itself. I'm sure I'm in the minority but this game could have been cool if it was like CMBB or CMAK.

    I just want a game that is just like CMAK that covers WW II 1939-1946, Europe and Asia. I want them to include 1946 to be able to play "what if battles" with equipment that was known to be in development or even play a US vs Russia 1946 scenario. German E-100's vs Stalin 3's. My ultimate game. ONLY IF!

  2. National Guard 11B on and off past 12 years.(out since Feb.)

    Really just a holding pen for active duty as unit has been activated 3 times since 2002 and their going back again. I'm sitting this one out as I fear the wife more than snipers at this point.

    Funny, I use to think that for the National Guard Infantry to get activated the Russians would have to be attacking the local water treatment plant...my how times change.

  3. Stryker is a POS, can't load it on a C-130, has the silhouette of a school bus, gets stuck in narrow city streets (Austin Powers like) not amphibious, can be taken out of action by a flat tire or broken tie rod, burns to the ground if the tires catch on fire, gets stuck in lose sand and fits less soldiers than a 113. It is a step backwards and not forward. The 113 should have just been improved as it is twice the vehicle of the Stryker. A complete waste of taxpayer money. Anyhoo......

  4. I must say I tried the Demo and maybe I haven't figured out how to use it yet but I don't even want to, my first impressions of it are to horrible.

    Having the view always down low the circles everywhere in the sky and not being able to back the action up to see it from different views was so irritating. I couldn't play this game for more than five minutes.

    I think they are trying to get too play station with this game for my tastes. I'm sure it will be a big hit but all I personally would like is a bigger and better(one that encompasses all theaters and time periods of WW II)CMBB and CMAK. Nothing more technical than it already is.

    Good luck to the game but it gives me a fricking headache trying to play this crap.

  5. WW II or nothing!

    If you fight a realistic all out modern battle like Europe it is airpower that decides the battle not ground warfare and if one side gets too far down it's just nuke time. I don't see much fun in watching a A-10's or Apache's wipe out battalions of tanks while sitting on a hill eating MRE's.

    If you fight an Iraq style battle, come on how boering is that. The only way the bad guys win is a protracted war of attrition, there is no individual engagements the insugents will win save some small isolated squads or somthing. How much fun would it be to drive your Hummer up and down a road until an IED hits it and then waste a village. Talk about the same scenario and same outcome. I just don't see the tactics and manuvering in a modern battlefield that you get in a WW II game and to me it is more about tactics than RT play.

    Like Patton said "I don't see the glory in a push-button war". Or something to that effect.

  6. Another example of what a POS the LAV/Stryker is. I would panic too if I had to ride in one of those death traps, fricking tires blown right off of it. At least the Marines were smart enough to have a M113 as a medivac vehicle. IMO

    What I still can't figure out is that if the U.S. is serious about the Iraq'i taking over for themselves why has an Iraqi air force not been created or are they waiting for oil to pay for that as well.

  7. I agree, I was hoping for a CM game that covered WW II from 1939 until 1945 and even covered both the European and Pacific. I thought it might be cool to even have an option for a game that went up to say 1947, speculating the war lasting a couple of years longer and using equipment in development at the end or used just after. Just to get crazy!

    This modern war is a bit too space age. I mean there can be no tank battles as any Syrian tank that appeared would be destroyed from the air. Could have at least made it the Russians or Chinese.

    The only satisfaction I would get from that game is playing the Syrians and trying to blow up the Stryker tax wasting POS's.

  8. I think that the issue is not that the ring may be a weak point, that can only be proven by an enemy that has a large supply of powerful AT weapons and the Iraqi's(I should say insurgents) simply don't have them. The insurgents can concentrate on a far more vunerable spot the underside. Far easier to triple stack AT mines and wait for one to come to you than try and chase one down and hit it in a weak spot.

    My point being is that without many shots from powerful AT projectiles you won't know if it is a weak spot, the military will not tell you and Iraq is not a good sampling of powerful AT projectile hits. I'm sure even the soldiers that operate the M1 could not tell you.

    I'll just say that the M1 is one bad bitch and the guys that drive them over there are even badder!

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