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Posts posted by Axis_General

  1. The RN should not be defeated by the Germans unless you do something insane like park it off the Euro coast during the battle of France 1940. I played a game with someone who thought parking their RN destroyers/cruiser off Belgium/France in range of 4 AF was a good idea. Once those were almost sunk the whole German Navy breaks out and finishes the rest. Without those destroyers the Subs will survive for a very long time.

  2. Yea it worked out well in killing those 2 units. Not sure if its worth losing the units for an early conquest of France. I played another player who did almost the same move and I managed to inflict the same type of damage. Another aspect to this is less plunder for Axis when it does take Paris since most of the French units will be destroyed quickly. Less plunder and added costs of Operational Movements to take LC early not worth it.

  3. It was an exellent game and I didnt think i would be able to pull it off. You had UK well defended in my opinion but had the RN split up on both sides. When I sent the Kreigsmarine in its suicide attack on the E side of the Isle it drew away RN from the West Side which is where my invasion force was waiting. I got lucky with getting level 2 Long Range Air so I saw where most of your forces where deployed. Once I landed the outcome was sealed since Level 2 Panzers and Level 2 Inf would take UK.

    It was 2nd game in a row I took UK against someone but you put up a stiff fight for it! Last player only had one unit defending the whole Island LOL.

    I think the only way to stop sealion is to bring back almost the whole UK fleet back to UK and scout and shore bombard the Axis ports. Maybe even Operational move of HQ from afrika to shore up Air/grround defense of UK.

  4. Excellent job in creating a game of "Epic" quality. You are a hero in my opinion to us wargamers who have been waiting years for something like this. I hope you know how appreciated you are. I thought the day of classic wargames was gone with the intro of RTS but you have proved that wrong.

    The game has many cool features that make this a very deep game. The R&D and diplomacy add so much to the game. The editor will ensure this game is played 10 years from now and have a huge following. I have left the game running for 2 days straight playing it a ton and have not experienced any crashes.

    Questions -

    1. Any plans to allow multi player of more than two players to play this game via TCP/IP?

    2. Any official Hubert Mods/Scenarios coming? (Korea, Civil War, Cold War)?

    Hubert - You are the man and a legend!!

    Moon & Madmatt - Excellent job in keeping everyone informed with the progress of the game. You long hours here on the board answering questions to help others has not gone unappreciated!



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