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Posts posted by daz

  1. Hi 

    I understand  why they charge for packs that is understandable, when i brought the game CBMN i patched the game a few month later from 1.0 to 2.0 at no cost, the other day as i said i wanted to play a game vs a mate, But was unable to play as he had 3.0 game.

    "OK" so i went to patch my game up to 3.0 and found out that you have to pay $10.00 now, i can understand for pack, they are a lot of work to do, but having to pay for the 3.0 is a bit of a joke.

    So what if a game came out that was full of bugs and then your told sorry we screwed up and if you want the game to work as it should you have to pay use more money to get it to work, would you be happy with this.


  2. Hi 

    I brought the game when it first came out and it had a lot of bugs in it, battle front did upgrades for the bug fix and they where free.

    I tried to play a game the other day vs a mate, but he was using 3.0 upgrade and we could not play, so i went on to the BATTLE FRONT site as i have done in the past and upgraded to 2.11 at no cost.

    Now they want you to pay for 3.0 upgrade!  :angry:

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