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Posts posted by Iceman[USA]

  1. I can't seem to have any luck flying those things. Either don't go anywhere, or get shot down tongue.gif I can't figure out how to ajust height/speed. Maybe if the devs have a learning session, that should be something discussed...

    and IRT Konstantine- Sounds like you found the hidden rocket boosters on your craft tongue.gif That big red button? Don't press it ;)

    Sorry... couldn't resist..

    Probably someone messin with the transport craft. Might not have even known they were doing it..

  2. IRT Belzac: But most tanks really don't have suspension. You have a point in that they seem to kind of "bounce" over the terrain at times (try hitting some rocks in a hurri) so some suspension would be nice, but don't expect a smooth ride ;)

    Ok.. now my 2 cents..

    First of all, excellent game. It NAILED the fun factor. It is a lot of fun to play. I got to go up against a few devs earlier today, and still got my butt whooped.

    Thanks a lot for the patch too! It made the game much more stable, and fixed quite a few bugs... made the maps load faster... the list goes on. It made a HUGE difference to me. Definatly tipped the scales in favor of getting this game, since I now know you guys are on top of bugs. (I was borderline, because with the previous version, I had a few crashing/speed problems that are now fixed with this new version)

    Ok... few complaints though.

    1. The tanks seem very unresponsive to turning commands. Unless you've come to a very slow speed, the tanks don't seem to like turning. And when you do, you either turn very slowly, or do the instant 90 turn. This doesn't seem to be quite as bad with 0.9.41, but figured i'd point it out.

    2. (biggest complaint) AGTM's are far too accurate/powerful. If you try to drop in near one, or attack one, you are pretty much guarenteed to die. (In 1 hit usually. You'll always at least loose your turret it seems)

    3. This is actually a complement- The artillary is very fun to use. once you get a computer lock, the round will land almost directly where you targeted. Gets quite fun to blast bases to clear it out for a charge smile.gif

    4. I wanted to give you guys major kudos on the ion weapons. If you know how to use them, they can do massive damage. (I.E- try going after the tires on wheeled vehicles smile.gif ) I'm sure Rune knows what i'm talking about tongue.gif

    5. This is a request really, even though it has been posted many times.. A way to tell if a shot connected. Even something as simple as a "beep" would be nice.

    and IRT Rifleman- I was on the recieving end of a EMP attack today. Good lord those are a pain. Locked up my entire team.. we got slaughtered tongue.gif

    Well, anywho... VERY good job on the game. The modeling of damage, particularly the fact that your treads, ect can be blown out, was VERY well done. More than once i've had to extract myself mid-battle because I got my treads blown out by a stray round.

    I will certainly be getting this when it comes out in full.

  3. a few things i'd like to mention

    1. It seems like all the servers were showing empty even though there were non-bot players in the game

    2. The ATGM's are insanely accurate. I don't know if this is on purpose, but if I try to drop in anywhere near them, or try to attack them, I always at least loose my turret.

    3. On OS X 10.4.5, clicking the "Close Game" box causes the computer to come up with a "Application unexpectedly quit" dialog. Don't know why, but it happens.

    However, I do want to say that since this last update, the game plays much better. It loads a ton faster, and seems less prone to random crashes and lag spikes.

  4. I'll throw that in. In some spots, the game almost seems to 'misdraw' the graphic. For example, as the map first loads, the ground textures seem to flash purple for a split second before rendering correctly.

    Really, once the map loads though, I don't notice much misdrawing, ect.

  5. I am currently running hte game on a 1.67 Ghz Powerbook G4, 512 MB RAM.

    As for the server not responding, yes, it seems to happen on every server, every time. It may have just been time of day (Sometimes my internet likes to do things like resetting the IP, ect, late at night, and that can mess with my internet connection), so i'll try again today when I have some time.

  6. Hey all

    First of all, finally got a chance to play the public beta, and I am seriously impressed. This is a fun game!

    But there are a few things I'd like to point out.

    1. Sometimes the sound (particularly engine noises) drops out

    2. (And a big one) when continuing into a new round (I.E- a new map after the previous one ended) the deployment phase will end, and then the "server not responding" message shows up.

    I don't know if its just a fluke, or what, but I thought I should point it out.

    Great job otherwise :D Lotta fun

  7. I am really looking forward to this indeed.

    If its only available online, that makes things that much easier, as I live in a small town, so the closest computer store is about an hour away tongue.gif

    What really impresses me is that you guys are making this for all 3 platforms. Being a mac user myself, it always annoys me when good looking games are only developed for the PC.

    Well, anywho, count on me getting the game. I look forward to getting my butt kicked when the beta comes around :D

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