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Posts posted by BigBadVuk

  1. On my old configuration it was all ok,( radeon card 9800xt)however now i need to transver this game to older PC..I have Ti4200 128 AGp 1 GBram and 2500+ Athlon ( barton core)..The problem is..afther instalation ( no errors found) the game starts,plays intro and then freezes with "graphic initialisation" message..I can ALT+TAB and shut down it but i cant make it run!!! I tried all possible setings in config, I tried update but no joy...last_bug.txt is empty Mission editor works but the game itself wont!..

    In read me it says it has been tested on Ti4200 ..I instlled drivers supplied with game,and i tried drivers that im usig already (93.71)on XP SP2..any ideas where is the problem?? :confused:

  2. Yeah..like i sad I figured that green is for splinters..But look at this when i shoot SABOT round (AP) at Mi-8 it is not red it is pink...???

    So then it si like this:

    Green - splinters and buletts

    Red - SABOT(AP)

    Yellow - HEAT (kumulativnaya in russhian)

    Blue - HE (fragmentation)

    Well thx i think i will get this game!

  3. OK guys im playing demo...and i have 1 big problem:

    When the mission(targeting practice) is over and i check the statistic i see a lot of markings on impact points.I know that this is where my projectile hit the target but i cant figure the colours...I dont have the manula so can u jst post here any link or (this will be great) can u just put explanation for each colour:

    As far as i can remember there is green,dark blue,pink,yellow,red...I figured that green is probably for splinters...but can u just explain plz...THX! :eek:

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