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Posts posted by uk4caster

  1. Thanks. I think it must be the animation that is the problem....I saw the animation for destroyed or damaged but didn't check the stats that closely....then the bomber 'reappeared' without detruction/ damage.....At least I know that it is just hard to kill them and that the ai isn't cheating as well!

    It does seem to me that the damage modifiers really affect these early planes esp. Spitfire, Me 109E etc. I guess the effect is proportionately greater with these although I haven't flown much with later models. I need to try BoB as Axis to see if they really have an easy time or it is my poor play..

  2. Hi all...I'm new to the game and as far as campaigns go have only tried BoB. Maybe I'm missing something but it seems very difficult to stop the German bombing campaign as the Brits.

    I've rarely been able to shoot down the He-111's and on several occasions they should have been shot down (their damage has been greater than maximum) but they mysteriously reincarnate between card plays. The same thing happened once when one went over to damaged and then flipped back again...do they have some kind of 'repair' card or is this intentional or a bug!

    The other point about the bombers is that their gunner fire seems way too deadly to me... The way the victory points work is (if I'm correct) that you have to shoot those bombers down to have any chance.

    I've several times cleared the fighters but just not had time to finish the bombers, and if you go for the bombers from turn 1 any escorts will get you or at least stop you killing the bombers....are the pilots you get and their skills etc random or do they refect your online pilots experience etc. if they are random I'm going to give up on the Allies on the Bob campaign!...any thoughts or comments?

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