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Posts posted by mat69

  1. Hi there,

    I was trying to buy CMSF Brits, yet my payment order was declined.

    A solution is described here [1] though I still want to ask here so that I don't do anything wrong.

    The credit card I was trying to use was send to me by google because of my participation in Google Summer of Code.

    Yet Google registered all the credit cards they send to the participants to their company address in the USA. Does that mean that I should enter that address -- despite me living not there -- when registering?

    I'd also prefer to use that card instead of registering on paypal, since I live in a land having EUR as currency and on that card are USD I could save some fees.

    [1] http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=178

  2. I have not played CMSF yet -- like old weaponary more -- but imo c3k you miss the point.

    If there were 13 soldiers with distance of 10m between each other that does not mean 120m!

    In generaly soldiers move offset when patrolling (i.e. not clear if and where the enemy is). So suppose we took your 10m on a 5m wide rode. This would mean a stretch of 104m, if the road was 7m wide it would be a stretch of 86m.

    And other than that in cities things get more cramped and dangerous, there is no way around that. A squad does not spread out 100m in a city if under attack. That way there are more dangers when being attacked by HE but less places attacks can come from.

    On the rest, well I am not sure how many soldiers the US uses on attacking cities of a certain size, but I suppose the multitude of field manuals out there could give an answer, though I do not have time to read them.

  3. Interesting Jason, by giving some people what you think they are asking for, you betray everything people fought for to reach democrazy, human rights and completly ignore enlightment. And in the end it could turn out that you are as evil as the evil you wanted to destroy. That to morals ...

    To recur I think only few people were "evil" before they joined the SS. I believe that they (or at least their actions) "became evil". I guess the today still popular believe "I'm just doing my job." or "I'm just doing what I'm told to do" helped them on their "mutation".

    The thought that all Nazis, all Germans are "evil" is simply naive and makes you look like a "Übermensch", like you would be immune to manipulation.

    PS.: Everything here is my opinion, but that should be obvious.

  4. @Shmavis, there is no doubt that many crimes were commited in the occupied areas so later also Italy, like in Boves where Peiper ordered that a whole village with all inhabitants who did not flight into the fields (so old and ill people) were killed. That was called "anti-partisan measures". Or the Grand Hotel in Meina ...

    What I find more interesting allthough is how you become such "monsters". I doubt that everyone commiting crimes was "evil" per se. I believe that the whole surrounding (superiors, military setting ....) supported the transformation. That has nothing to do that many/some (no clue) of the real Nazis still think the same way. We call them "Ewiggestrige" (stick-in-the-mud) here.

    It's also interesting, why people from Estonia, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Croatia etc. joined the SS (about half of the Waffen-SS members were not Germans!). One of the last fightes in Berlin were fought by the SS-Division "Charlemagne" (Nr. 33) ...

    @Pandur, now this explains your nickname ...

  5. So you mean that it was not coincidence that Holocaust happened in Germany? Do you think Germans like war by nature? Do you think - like Roosevelt - that Germans have to be extinguished?

    It's interesting after all that experiments like the Milgram experiment show that humans are in general influenceable by people with a certain "authority". And no, this is no try to underestimate the crimes that were commited, but only a try to show that few people are "immune" to such actions themselves.

  6. Originally posted by zmoney:

    Everyone who joined went in with open eyes and knew what kind of an organization it was.

    That's not true. Fact is that every member of the police was under the command of Himmler. Even if they did not want to, otherwise they would not be member of the police anymore. And that is why so many war crimes have been comitted by police officers, as they were under the command of the SS. Only few people stood up against this (also at that time!) actions against the law. One of the few SS members who helped Jews was Adolf Zündler. Klaus Hornig refused (and forbid it for his subordinates) to shoot Jews as it was against the "Militärstrafgesetzbuch" §47 (following an illegal order --> if you knew that the order was illegal you comitted a crime) It is indeed questionable if they could have done more to help, but still they helped.

    I also doubt that most of the people joining the voluntarily had a clue what awaited them. Yet this has nothing to do with the crimes many members of the SS commited.

    I think important would be to know what you call a Nazi. What is a Nazi for you?

    A member of the NSDAP? A person livening in Germany at that time ...?

    Anyway there were members of the NSDAP who were against those movements (the person you will know is Oskar Schindler), some worked with the resistance, but yes many simply profited of their membership and did nothing (I won't comment on their possibilites here) to help.

    @Pandur you do know that "jews" (people who felt as Germans, who fought in the 1st World War and were honoured ... that was not important, important was that one of your grandparents was jew ... etc. considering that Judaism is a religion it is interesting that you were still considered a jew, even if you did not practise your religion) weren't the only people who were "hunted" at that time. Also people with other political views (between 1933-1938 especially social democrats and communists were inhabitants of the KZs), minorities (like homosexuals, gypsies, people with disabilities) ...

    You do know that in Germany there were relative few pogroms against jews up to 1933, compared with Russia. Anitsemitism was very common at that time and is in some places still now.

    [ May 18, 2006, 01:41 AM: Message edited by: mat69 ]

  7. I know it is older but I could not let this stand!

    Originally posted by oren_m:

    Just remember that during the 1930's until the invastion to Poland, Hitler did'nt broke any treaties also, that's still does'nt made him a peacefull human being.

    This is not true! Germany broke the peace treaty

    They occupied the Rheinland-area that was supposed to be a demilitarized zone. They introduced compulsory military service (despite the fact that this was not allowed and that there troop strength was limited to 100.000), started rearming (otherwise there would not have been so many tanks, guns ... because they were not allowed to have/produce tanks and heavy artilliery). They started rearming the marine ... The annexation of Austria was also forbidden. They also occupied The Czech Rebuplic.

    So they "broke" many treaties! Yet France, UK and the other allies did not react.

    So please get some information before you post such rubbish!

    Oh just spotted that John D Salt posted nearly the same thing.

    Originally posted by oren_m:

    So the fact that Iran "only" have the nuclear knowledge makes it a good target for a regieme changing war.

    Ahmadinajad speaks freely and publicly about the distruction of israel and against the western world, i'm not even speaking about his opinions about gay people and even about other arab ethnic groups such as the Sunnis.

    So, think what would such a man will do with a nuclear bomb...

    You do know that Iran is allowed to use atomic energy for civil projects? Iran (beside Pakistan, India and Israel) signed the NPT, so other signator countries are encouraged to HELP Iran in their efforts for a nuclear plant.

    Do you also know, that the real leader in Iran is The Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei who also controlls the army? Ahmadinejad's yickel-yak is just a way to detract from his broken election pledges.

    And in fact there aren't ANY proves at the moment that Iran is workign on an atomic bomb. So another War of aggression?

    [ April 25, 2006, 07:41 AM: Message edited by: mat69 ]

  8. Create your own Grid-line Mod with The GIMP

    First of all you need The GIMP. Get it here for Windows, you also need to install GTK (same link).

    Now install GTK first and than The GIMP.

    Locate the directory you installed CM in, move to the BMP folder. Now you need to find the files you want to change. 1470.bmp to 1489.bmp and 1555.bmp to 1569.bmp is a good start for CMBO.

    1470.bmp to 1489.bmp, 1550.bmp to 1589.bmp and 1870.bmp to 1889.bmp is a good start for CMBB.

    1470.bmp to 1489.bmp, 1550.bmp to 1589.bmp and 18730.bmp to 1889.bmp is a good start for CMAK. Make backups of them (I also modified them in another directory, to keep overview).

    Start The GIMP and drag and drop all files you want to change to The GIMP (if you do not have much RAM make it in steps like modifing only 5 files at once). Right click in the last window that opened choose "Filters/Render/Pattern/Grid...".

    A new Window named "Grid" will pop up.

    Use this settings if the files you want to change are 256x256 pixels (most ground textures in CMBO):

    256x256 (mostly CMBO)

    Horizontal and Vertical Width 2

    Horizontal and Vertical Spacing 64

    Horizontal and Vertical Offset 32

    for Intersection allways 0

    Use this settings if the files you want to change are 512x512 pixels (most ground textures in CMBB and CMAK):

    512x512 (mostly CMBB and CMAK)

    Horizontal and Vertical Width 4

    Horizontal and Vertical Spacing 128

    Horizontal and Vertical Offset 64

    for Intersection allways 0

    Now change the colour, first of all make intersection see through --> press the colour under intersection and move the lowest bar (named A) in the new window to the left. "OK"

    Now change the colour of the Horizontal and Vertical lines to your needs. Both should be automatically the same if that is not the case press the "broken chain" so that it becomes a "closed chain".

    Now you are ready: Press "OK"

    Your first grid-lines are ready.

    Press Ctrl+S to save

    Press Ctrl+W to close the recent window

    Now press Ctrl+F to repeat the filter on the other graphic (you should be automatically in the right window)

    Press Ctrl+S

    Press Ctrl+W

    Do this overer and over again untill you are finished, then you only need to copy those files into the BMP directory if you created a new folder to modify the files in the first place.

    [ January 30, 2006, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: mat69 ]

  9. I did some myself, but only for grass because I'm a newb and did not play any winter battles yet ;) .

    So 1550.bmp to 1569. The grid I used is black but only 30% top-dressed (I did also a 50% version but that was too dark for me), so they are not too "strong".

    If you are interested I can mail them to you.

    Or I could tell you how you can create your own grid lines in 10 minutes using The Gimp. (Installing process included, the real "work" only lasts 3 minutes!!!)

    [ January 20, 2006, 12:57 PM: Message edited by: mat69 ]

  10. Hello guys!

    I'm a newbie and have some questions:

    What is the difference between Volksgrenadier, German Riffle 44, German Sicherung and the other German infantry units (in CMBO and the others)?

    I know, that they have different fire power and the squads are differently sized, but is there something else? Do some units panic easier? Is it better to buy units whose squad size is bigger? If this quesiton has been asked before and I'm sure that it has (there are just too many topics that I can't find the correct ones) I would be really thankfull for the a link. smile.gif

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