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Posts posted by dudenheimer

  1. In the book "Das Reich-the military role of the 2nd SS division" by James Lucas; the author speaks of the crack SS divisions as being "fire birgades". Held in reserve and used to either plug holes in the front line or to spearhead counter attacks.

    These SS "reserves" would not be all from one division, or all under one command, until mobilized that is. At that time they would be.

    As quoted from the book, page 120 Chapter entitled "2nd campaign on the Eastern front": "On the 17th of December 1943 the Panzer Battle Group was constructed out of Panzer Grenadier Regiment 'Das Reich': a composite formation of 1st Battalion 'Deutschland' and 2nd Battalion 'Der Fuhrer' regiments."

    This Panzer Battle Group was placed under the command of XLII Corps, which was holding a vital area at the time.

    The Germans liked to use their panzers, especially the Tigers and Panthers, as tools to exploit weak areas of the line or for desisive counter-attacks.

    BTW, the book is an interesting read.


  2. This is a plea to my fellow Mac'ers!!

    ATI no longer has that 0S9 update on their site. My Harddrive crashed on my G4. I have re-installed everything, but I guess I didnt make a copy of that ATI video driver update!?!?

    Now I cant play my favorite game of all time!

    Please help!!



  3. Ok, so i had a couple of bmp's that had some extra stuff on them, so i trashed those...

    The main thing i noticed is that some of the mods only work for specific time slots, and not others, like those PZIV's WW are good for 12-42, but not 12-43. Yes, some of the WW mods are marked (early),

    which i thought ment the early version of the tank as indicated in the armor purchase screen, and not literally, as early in the war.

    Doh!!! I need to check more on this as I think the "region" plays a part in this too.

    Does anybody have a crash course on modding for me... for MAC even?

    Thanks again


  4. Thanks for the reply DEY!!

    Concerning the BMP folder, i do have one, i will verify that all bmp's are in fact #'ed.

    Many of the winter mods i downloaded work great, infantry, tank and vehicles, from all sorts of people including you Dey.

    I am not using a Mod manager, as they confuse me...

    alright, lemmme check my bmp folder, and give an update..



  5. Hi all, this is my first post....so 1st, I like to say that these Combat Missons games; BB and BO are the ones I own, are totally freakin AWESOME! I have play many a wargame dating back to my 1st, with was I think called "barbarosa" on the Commadore 64. Anyways kudos to all you developers @ BF and all the Mod community to, for be so freakin through with all the uniforms and camo patterns and detail to the AFV's.

    OK, now my problem....I have loaded many a winter mod, mainly the STuG III packs, and still no white washes, also for some of the PZIV models too. I realized that when making a map, i couldnt have snow on the ground and snowing in March and expect my panzers to be whitwashed, so i got that.

    But even in december w/ snow on the ground ..still no winter mods. I know i should have probably posted all the mods that i have loaded, but, man....I think I have loaded close to over 150 mods...its so addictive!

    DEY_MD_WW_GREY_PZIV-G_EARLY.ZIP ok here is one not working and DEY PZIV F2..and what do i do w/ "PSP"files, just drop em in the.bpm file?

    And DEY, I have other mods of yours that are fantastic!! I just want these to work too :D

    I am on a PowerMac G4 1.25 MDD 768Ram OS9.2.2 if that matters..

    Sorry for all the questions :D



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