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Posts posted by Toorey

  1. Just my 2 cents:

    I guess it could be quite easy to desactivate hacker's acounts on server. Each of us that ordered the CD have given their real address in real life. After all, that's the way my little postman brought this great game to me, after 10 long days.

    So just ask for real adress for creating an account. If it doesn't match any address in your customer's file at Battlefront, then simply don't deliver an account.

    Of course that cheating guys will still have the possibility to play offline. But how cares, DIF is an online game, that's were it shines.

    Keep on the good job. This game is just great, with great developpers and nice chaps in our little community

  2. Hey all,

    Last night I looked at the tournament homepage. I was happy to see that there had been a medal distribution for the participants of the 2 last tournaments smile.gif

    Then I witched to my pilot page just to polish a little bit these medals, and what ? no medals at all :(

    Now I have a remark: can you imagine how difficult it is to convince a pair of pilots to participate to a tourney where Mistura is involved ? The pilots know right from the biginning that they will just serve as cannon fodder. If HQ doesn't give the medals they promised then our pilots won't go out anymore !

    please give the medals back or there could well be some pilot strike !

  3. Hello,

    I received my CD 2 weeks ago and I must say that I enjoy the game very much .

    Now addiction to DIF seems contagious because my elder son loves the game too smile.gif , although he is usually more interested in RTS and FPS :(

    Now I have a question, can I create a second account so that he can manage his pilots for only games under his own name ?

    Keep on the good job


  4. Hello,

    I found that one sound speech is badly missing in the game :( . That's the speech of General De Gaulle (the call of June 18th 1940), a must for a WWII grognard ;)

    Well, in fact that's the speech he did on June 22nd, because there is no registration of the original...

    I found it on the internet and added it to the game.

    Dan, just tell me if you are interested. It's just 650k, so I can drop a mail.

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