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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Warmonger2005

  1. Originally posted by stoat:

    Feel better now? If all you want to do is say things that you believe to be quite witty and insulting to Dorosh, why don't you do so in an e-mail? If you don't like him, fine, I could care less, but suck it up and keep your dislike out of the game forum.

    Actually I would prefer to have no communication of ANY kind with Mr.Dorosh, insulting, witty or otherwise. You will not find a single post of mine in any of Mr Dorosh's threads and if Mr. Dorosh can show the same restraint with threads of mine LIKE THIS ONE there should be no further problems like this between us.

  2. Thanks for the simple and direct answer Moon. 2k by 2 k that is a lot of room for an company!!!!

    As for not using the search feature I guess I am a newbie (or an oldbie)as I didn't know it exsisted. I don't spend much time in forums. Prefer to spend my computer time playing CM.

    However I don't think that is reason to attack someone. This forum is to support the game. Not drive people away.

  3. It does't surprise me that you would reply Michael, you are just like some kind of a spoiled teenager. I thought you were a respected Author and historian. I guess I was misinformed. Too bad you don't know the answers to my questions considering you know everything.

    (And I still think the subject matter of CMSF sucks and I know I am not the only one and you can post threads linking to this quote too)

  4. This may have been covered in an earlier thread but I have to ask it any way.

    1)What is the the maximum unit size that this game can play? Platoon, company, battalion?

    2)What is the maximum map size?

    While it is extremely important that this game be given an editor and building movement to give this game a long shelf life like the CM series. The key item will be the AI. This will have to be the most awesome feature of the game as you can't micro-manage your units in a real time game. I can't wait for the demo to see how good the AI will be.

    Thanks for putting out a new WW2 TACSIM for us old WW2 Grogs.


  5. From what I've read Wittmann was forced to change to Tiger 222 for this attack as his Tiger 205 had broken down. Wittmann's Tiger (222) was disabled during the fighting but I believe was recovered after the battle. There are pictures of 2 Tigers and a Pzkw IV koed in the town. These Tigers were from Mobius's 1st company which attacked in the afternoon. The Pzkw IV was recovered but the 2 Tigers were burnt out and a total loss. I have a picture taken after the British recaptured the town in August with them still there but the town is nearly leveled around them after being aerially bombed. The Germans attacked without enough infantry support as they were desperate to recapture the town and plug the hole in thier lines. The attack failed but the British withdrew later that evening.

  6. The problem I found is that no one really wants to debate the issues. Instead you have forum thugs who seem to like to go around and personally attack and riddicule anyone who is unhappy with the new game. (This thread is a prime example) With the end result that the thread gets locked.

    However it is a waste of time to b*t*h about it. Battlefront seems to be commited to this project and we are not going to change thier minds in this forum. It is thier company and they are taking the risks.(I bet they are sweating a bit from the heat they are getting but they won't admit it.)

    I have gotten over my initial shock of the topic of this game and I will try the demo but it better be really good before I buy the full game. However with a better subject for the game I would be asking if they were taking preorders right now instead of wondering if I will buy it!

    I hope this new game does well as I know then that the promised WW2 version will be even better as CM have always improved with each version. So I will wait and see.

    Good Hunting


  7. Another aspect of ATGMs that I didn't know until I looked at the web site that Midnight Warrior found is that the velocity of the TOW ATGM drops during flight. The graph found at the site shows an initial velocity of 300m/sec but it slowly drops to 100m/sec at the missles max range. I always thought missle velocities remain around the same until the missle ran out of fuel.


  8. Ok so the next combat mission game is modern warfare. Therefore one weapon to be introduced will be ATGMs. I have a couple questions on how these will be handled in the game.

    1) ATGMs have very long ranges but travel rather slowly compared to most weapons. It is quite possible for one to be still in flight at the end of the turn. Will the flight of this weapon e held and resolved on the next turn or will it arrive even after the time has run out like artillery?

    2) Due to the slow speed of these weapons it is possible for an alert tank crew to take defensive actions if they spot the launch. These defensive measure could enclude some of the following:

    Susppresion: Fire at the launcher site and try and disrupt or kill the soldier guiding the missle.

    Move to cover: Simply move the target AFV out of sight of the launcher

    Swerve: The tank could as a desperate measure speed up to maximum speed and swerve at the last moment to throw off the aim of the ATGM. This tactic was successfully used by the Isreali's during the war in 1973. I have read accounts of Isreali tanks returning from battle drapped with the guide line of missles which just missed the target.

    My question is will defensive attempts like these be built in to the AI?


  9. Michael Dorosh

    I have waited for 24 hours trying to understand your actions. I found it quite rude that a person I respected as a friend would suddenly stab me in the back. You took a e-mail that was designed as informal poll of HSG members and put it in a public forum without even trying to contact the author. You seem to think you have unconvered some kind of scandal but if you had taken the time to read this thread you would have seen that your post was redundent as I said the same thing as in that e-mail in my first post. I have nothing against modern warfare games. As you know HSG does historical wargame scenarios. I personally had over 50 scenarios and operations on the now defunct Scenario Depot. Almost all of which are based on a historical event. I am perfectly in my rights to raise my concerns in this forum that this new game has no historical content. The US and Syria have never fought a war. In fact they were allies in the first Gulf War. I believe that Battlefront have heard my concerns and they are the final say on the matter.

    Secondly you think I have hidden my identity to do this thread. I have used the handle of Warmonger since I started designing CM scenarios back in 2000. As far as I know it is uniquely mine. Battlefront and many members of the CM community know me by this handle. If I wanted to hide my identity I would have created one that would not point directly at me. I have nothing to hide in this thread. I am just a concerned CM player who would like to see that the CM continues to be a world leader in warfare simulations. I am concerned that it is becoming water down and commericalized. My point has been made and that all I have to say on the subject.

    With much regret as a fellow Canadian and CM scenario designer/player I have deleted you from the HSG data base as is your request.

    I trust you are happy with your actions.

    Tom "Warmonger" Grace

  10. I have been thinking of some suggestions of what I think should be added to this game to expand the scope of the game without the need of mulitiple DVDs to hold it. I would add Isreal. Isreal is much more likely to be involved in a war in Syria than the British. Also by adding some of the earlier Isreali and Arab equippment you would expand the historical base of this game to cover the Arab/Isreali wars and great increase the scope and wargaming potential of the game. The main Arab countries involved except Jordan are all alike militarily. Soviet trained and equipped for the most part so the Syrians could represent them all. It was not my intention when I started this thread to put down Battlefront. I have greatly enjoyed playing Combat Mission and will continue to do so. All I know is that CMBO and CMBB were crowned "Wargame of the year" with 5 out 5 stars by several Computer Gaming Mags while CMAK barely got 3 out 5 Stars. I might be totally out of line and by this time next year I will eating crow as this next generation of CM takes the computer gaming world by storm but I still think it needs more scope.

    Tom "Warmonger" Grace (for those you don't know who Warmonger is!)

  11. Well perhaps agame covering all warfare for the last 50 years is a bit much.....but it would be worth it. I sure this game will be good but it will not hold the interest of the players as long. It is a pity that BF no longer creating games with any scope. I have played CM series for over 5 years happily. I am not sure I will be able to say that about the new series. I have already talk to players who are going to vote with thier pocket books. It is a shame as I would really like to see CMx2 be successful but thier attitude seems to be how many narrow focus games can we get these suckers to buy so we can make a lot of money.

  12. I have to say that I was disappointed about the subject matter of the new CM game. It is not the fact that the game is post WW2. It is the lack of scope. I had hoped that a post WW2 CM game would cover everything from Korea, Arab/Isreali wars, Viet Nam to the Gulf wars. There are no real options in this new game. There is little historical action possible so there will be nothing but fictional Arab bashing scenarios. I had expected more from Battlefront. There are several games already out in the market that covers modern Arab bashing combat. This new game will not have the long life of the original CM series as it will quickly get boring. Hopefully the WW2 version of the new game will make up for this.

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