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Posts posted by freddyg

  1. Well, I'm thinking this will get me in hot water............

    But I've been reading "Battle Cry of Freedom", and realized how much these guys suffered for the right (amongst others) to say what they thought.

    Just a tiny bit of background on me for perspective.

    I've been playing wargames since the 1970s.

    I've ordered a fair amount of games from Battlefront (CM series, SC1,2, addon, etc).

    Fortunately, I have been reasonably successful in real life, so that $5 for a functional game is fairly trivial for me.

    So, here goes.............

    1) I dont' think Battlefront should have shut down the other thread on the $5 patch. It was a useful, interesting discussion, in my opinion. Yes, I understand that a company forum is a private club, and the owners can act how they please. But its poor PR.

    2) Charging $5 (or any sum) for a game patch is very, very unusual. I haven't researched the topic exhaustively, so I wont' say unprecedented. But it certainly is uncommon.

    3) I have about 100 games. The only ones I have that plays on XP and not on Vista are the Combat Mission series. I am by no means a programming expert. However, given the above, a neutral observer would be forced to conclude that there was something unusual, or different, about the CM series programming (such as using unsupported shortcuts, etc). Assuming that I am correct, and that Battlefront used an unusual programming strategy, not supported by MS, is it unreasonable that Battlefront should be asked to produce a fix? There are lots of other examples where this has been done (Sid Meiers Gettysburg for one).

    4) It is not clear that PBEM on an unpatched, XP, is compatible with the patch.

    5) Given the above points, this has the potential to be a PR disaster for Battlefront. I would guess that somewhere fewer than 500 people would pay for this patch. Thats $2500. After administrative costs, maybe $1000 profit. I'm astounded that Battlefront woudl risk their good name for $1000.

  2. I'm new to this game and having quite a bit of trouble.

    Specifically, I'm doing the Trig29 scenario and the Germans have lots of trenches blocking my approach.

    I have had some luck attacking with mortars, but their are too many trenches and not enough mortars.

    Any tips from experienced players?

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