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The Hell Patrol

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Posts posted by The Hell Patrol

  1. Just for analysis purposes i submit the following:

    I pre-ordered BOF and got it a few days after release. I have had the "freezing" issue since day 1 and it got worse as time went on so i gave up. I have experience with this sort of thing, i am a beta-tester for a PC wargame publisher, so i gave it my normal "trial & error" workout before moving on. It may be true that people don't post, i have had my hands full with other things, but here i am. My specs may or may not be helpful:

    Alienware P4 Intel 2.8GHZ

    1024 DDR Ram

    GeForce FX5700 Ultra 128mg video card

    Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro souncard

    Note: the freezing happened less frequently as i toned down the graphics options but ran just fine at full/highest as well(minus the freezing of course).

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