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Posts posted by DDDX

  1. i'm not buying,playing or looking at this game.Why?

    Explain to me how does a war qualify as CIVIL if you had a FEDERATION of independent states that formed ex Yugoslavia????

    If you didnt know,conutries in a federation are free to leave that federation when ever the **** they please,as they have joined it willingly in the first place.Thats what makes it a federation of independent states! I am from Zagreb,capital of Croatia.And the serbs denied us the right of leaving.

    Not just us-Bosnia,Slovenia too.

    It was during recognition of independance by other states-first Vatikan,then Ireland etc...and soon after-the whole world-that the sebrs started their INVASION on our teritory.

    The same teritory that didnt change from the days when the Croats defended Europe from the Turkes,centuries ago.

    There's no question that yugoslavia was a federation of independent states,thats the global consensuss.You can leave a federation whenever you want.No question that 1 third,thats over 30 PERCENT of Croatia was occupied by serbs.Imagine Spain taking 30 percent of France's teritory,destroying cities,hospitals,bombarding Louvre,Arc de triomphe,ski resorts,blasting the curche Nottre damme as serbs did Dubrovnik(by the way,Dubrovnik is a few hundred years older than N.damme),AND THEN CALL IT A CIVIL WAR WHERE NO SIDE IS RIGHT OR WRONG!!!!!

    Well **** you!!

    AND NO QUESTION THAT A SINGLE CROATIAN SOLDIER DIDNT SET EVEN ONE FOOT IN SERBIA DURING THE WAR!!!!!The war was fought on Croatian soil,with the purpose to take Croatian land by force.Dont you dare tell people that it was a civil war where no side was right or wrong!!!

    maybe its a great game.I like tenk simulations.But i wont know.Because the people that made it make me sick.You people just go sit in the tenk and blast Srebrenica again,after all its been 'allready' 5-6-7 years singe Serbs slaughtered 8 thousand people in there.

    Hope you enjoy re-living that experience

    imagine if someone made a game,PLANE SIMULATION in which you can destroy the Twin towers all over again!And then if the world said-its ok,Al-Quaida and America are in a civil war that has no right or wrong sides. How would you feel?

    Don't play the game.I know i will not.By playing it you are saying that its ok to do what germans did in the WW2.And what the serbs did 10 years ago.i'm talking about genocide and ethnic clensing.

    Just dont play the game.And a special message to the developers,programers and publishers of the game-**** YOU.And change the name of the game to T-72:Croats on fire. Because no fires were burning in serbia.Just in Bosnia and Croatia.

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