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Posts posted by malek77

  1. I just have to get this out - I've wished for a game like this for years - a hard-SF military sim with real ranges and concepts. I'm delighted to see it happening!

    *!!much positive vibes!!*

    And so as not to just have a thread entirely devoted to wild praise - for the future upgrade to including infantry : assuming you're interested in suggestions. Throughout my gaming experience, there are some things I've rarely/never seen but thought would make excellent sense.

    Feel free to pick prod and mutate.

    > Infantry Teams/sections

    Rather than individual infantry elements (ala C&C), how about squads of the size of a fire team? 5 men, one with a heavier weapon, selected and commanded as a single unit. This avoids 'lone scouts' running rampant on the map in a suicidal fashion.

    > Infantry as engineers

    Real troops can entrench themselves - would it be possible to give infantry limited terrain modification abilities?

    > Infantry as Boarders...

    This is going a little beyond the original concept - but imagine a map of the interior of a LiveShip, used Space Marine boarding party style?

    > Powered Armour

    This is a bit wierd this one - but from tabletop gaming with a realistic near future system using powered armour, there were a few unexpected lessons I found...so I suppose this counts as a form of experience!

    1. Up to twice man size can still effectively use cover, but larger needs to assume vehicle like visibility.

    2. Given the size of the PA suits, the weapons they can carry are between normal infantry support weapons and light Anti-Vehicle weapons.

    This puts them in the interesting position of being effective against infantry and other PA/light vehicles, but little heavier.

    AT missiles that PA could carry, can also be moved by ordinary infantry.

    It's like a class of vehicle designed specially to destroy itself!

    They are basically an anti-personnel assault platform, that will take fewer casualties than a Platoon charging a position.

    Or so my games tell me.


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