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Posts posted by texican68

  1. Major you stud you!

    And to think when my wife picked this game up from the closeout stuff at that Babbage's in North Carolina that my addiction would begin.

    Brings a tear to my eye to see how the little 3.5 disk game has grown into the programming beast that delights us and burdens you.

    Thanks for the game and your sweat and tears to make it great.

    "Dammit, who took my T-72 range string! Hey you idiot put that matchbox down its my BMP platoon over by Kessel!"

    Northern Wedding / Bold Guard 1988

  2. No but I will get some and zap them to you.

    I will tell them you were asking after them. They are completely blown away that I know a game developer it will really give them a charge.

    "Forget the twitch crowd boys, real games let you direct the nasty down range in a variety of ways."

  3. Fantastic!!! Start the kids with Army men and 6 sided dice, then added armor and mech.

    Now the little rascals are running full scale brigade sized ops and my future politicians are trying to negotiate a honourable peace between the 8th graders and the war hawks of the 7th grade.

    We started with using TacOps modified to look like 17th century stand up and shoot, then added hummers with LMG to simulate cavalry. They formed squares before anyone even mentioned Napoleon or Waterloo.

    They hated the WWI sim, couldnot see the point of sitting in a trench waiting for artie to get lucky.

    WWII- was amazing, we simulated omaha and juno. The kids were staggered by the ability of a PKM (simulating MG-42) to hold a whole battalion up.

    Vietnam- Frustrated them, even when they assaulted Hue city, "snipers are wiping us out coach." I gave them an ROE that forbade any leveling of blocks of houses just to take out 1 sniper. That and anti personnel mines drove them batty. They earned a new respect for Uncles, Dads, and Grandfathers who fought in South East Asia.

    Overall, TacOps has made the club such a hit if I can put together a decent curriculum I am going to teach American Military History at the local Junior College. I have students working on the Dean of Academics.

    so, yeah its working out GREAT!

  4. Hey wat is the progress towards Tac Ops 5?

    understanding ofcourse that Uncle Sam and various other national militaries have dibbs on time and development priorities.

    I am making more money at this new skool and have a hole burning in the pocket to spend it 'wisely'.

  5. Hey all!

    You may dimly remember me as minmax. I am back after a long hiatus and wanted to say hello to the olde timers.


    I was wondering how much coding it would take to allow the solo scenarios to randomly select the level at which you would play the AI? So as the player I would have no idea if I was facing say Craig at level one or level eight. That would be my request until you coded new solo scenarios.

    I would gladly send you coding elves or slaves if I had any.

    I gave up programming when I learned basic, then pascal was all the rage so I learned it, then fortran hit the streets. Today, the only C+ I want to know is in vitamins.

    And yes, using older equipment is also a great way to challenge skills.

    In my history classes I can simulate 19th century and early 20 century warfare. It is a great teaching aid for students of this era.

    "Mr. Johnson its just not smart to line up and shoot at each other like that! Its unfair!"

    "Vae Victus"

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