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Posts posted by Omni-Max

  1. Now see, I don't understand.

    I don't have a problem as allies in CMAK as long as I have one M10 GMC. The GMC will usually take out all, if not 80-90% of all ubercats and then I send in the sherman and stuarts to help mop up with the infantry.

    The M10 GMC hits consistantly and with reasonable force.

  2. Originally posted by Peregrine:

    By the time it turns the "left" t34 is scooting out of view and the "right" t34 is performing a shoot n scoot of its own. The right will then get a shot (maybe flank) with a better chance of a hit. The ideal result is "t34" left takes one shot (low percentage) and the "right" t34 get a second higher percentage shot without the nashorn firing at either t34s in reply.

    Yeah, that is a good strategy, however you're still held to the whims of chance that the QB map will allow you to do this.

    Sometimes the terrain is crappy. I mean, really, really, bad. Patches of rough and deep woods, everywhere.

    But I think there are some german tanks that preform just as good at the Nashhorn, and their gun isn't even hull mounted. I suppose a T-34/85 could shoot and scoot before a Tiger turned it's turret and got the order to fire.

  3. Okay, I just conducted some tests.

    In the beginning I was testing german medium tanks against various russian ones.

    The test results were varied, segmented, inconsistant.

    I found that giving orders to your crew is very important. When I was first doing the tests, I would not tell all the tanks to fire at the AI, and the AI would always fire first. Telling your men to engage, they will take that order straight-away. If not, I suppose the game simulates the tank commander fiddling around deciding what to do next.

    The heavy tank tests I did were rather interesting.

    In about mid-1944 2x T-34/85 cost about the same as the cheapest Tiger. Sometimes three.

    At around 500m the %tohit was 49-53 and the kill anywhere from low to fair (depending on what direction the Tiger had exposed)

    They would miss. A lot.

    I found that the SU/ISU-152 isn't really an assault gun. This is a lie. If the '152 was a superhero, it would be Superman. It's green kryptonite would be extreme reload times due to having such damn large caliber ammunition and a maximum ammo storage of twenty (20) shells.

    It's red kryptonite would be the exact reason of the weakness: giant bore size.

    The 152 series had a avg. %tohit at 57 and a Very Good kill chance at around 500m! It wouldn't surprise me if it had a pretty good chance to destroy a Tiger with the HE ammunition on a direct hit, either, with a blast rating of 330-something.

    But looking at the Tiger's penetration compared to the '152, the 152 only had a 40 point gain at 100m /0 degree. The Russians really had a cliche for a high velocity, 88mm, good optic tank hunter, but alas, it was really never met.

    But 500m is pretty close, relative to a Tiger I. Looking at the penetration values, it gets 100mm penetration at 2000m/0 degree. Real life reports that it wasn't uncommon for a Tiger to get first shot hit at 1000m! But the first shot hit at this range, is no doubt, on still targets. The error of one degree at 10m is like 7m and thats just on one axis.

  4. I'm playing version 1.03...

    It seems like whenever I get any version of the T-34 in battle, at ranges from 150-500m, it always misses the first five shots.

    I recall a QB I played where I had bought a platoon of three T-34/85 (the ones with a intercom/radio inside, I think) and proceeded to prowl them up on this hill in line formation. Lo' and behold, a german tank in the distance (it was a Hezter or Nashhorn I believe, 75mm) all three T-34/85s stop and shoot! (my T-34s and this vehicle were of the same rank, veteran)

    Miss, miss, miss.

    The vehicle fires back. Hit. KO'ed.

    My T-34s reload. Two shots from two tanks fired.


    The german vehicle fires back again. Hit. KO'ed.

    One T-34 left, reload, fire, miss.

    German vehicle fires back, Hit. KO'ed.

    I furiously surrender and quit the game.

    "How can..." I reasoned "...a tank, of any quality, miss so much?"

    I tried searching on Google for documents about T-34 optics. It's common knowledge the german tank optics are excellent (Zeiss, among other things).

    But the object of tank optics was way too obscure to find anything, execpt bonafide historians :rolleyes: praising panther and tiger optics, almost borderline fellatio.

    Now imagine if I was playing another human on a medium 700-1000 point map. The map is so small that in such a way, it is possible, my tanks won't have any cover on any possible path. That one strategically placed german tank or gun will destroy all my armor, since they literally can't hit the broad side of a barn.

    I know someone will come to this thread saying "LOL BUT THE T-34 WAS EASIER TO PRODUCE AT A LOWER QUALITY!!!11"

    Yeah? Well, in CMBB they barely cost

    any less than the german tanks. I saved 30 points.

    What am I going to do with 30 points? :confused:

  5. Regarding AK/M16 fight/debate:

    Very well then, I suppose it is futile to argue the point of AK 47/74/AKM vs. M16/Armalite series, as there are too many variables involved.

    Simply a case for different strokes for different folks, depending on what a situtation calls upon.

    From hooked to a ball peen. Still does the same basic thing.

    I think the point everyone was stumbling across is

    why limit yourself to a few single tools? You then must play to a few tool's strengths, instead of playing to many and taking the advantage at every situation you may encounter. The western world is even popular for it. They value and try to give every convenience they can to the soldier so that he may preform better in combat...

    I think people saw you as a russian basher, Abbott, which is obviously not the case.

    Your first-hand experience leaves you to your choice, much more then I can say as I have no experience. I respect your choice and even agree.

    If I was in the same situation, I probably would have done the same and kept my M16A2.

    However, saying the AK-47 is an outdated weapon in modern times is very ignorant. It obviously seemed to work for others in 75 total conflicts, including the Vietnamese, and now Iraqis.

  6. Hello everyone, I'm new and this is my first post.

    [Note: I've never been in any armed conflict of any kind, if that sort of information matters to you.]

    Assuming Abbot is correct, why are all the DoD documents talking about urban combat? All the modern and released documents about warfare from the United States laments about urban combat. MOUT training? Why does Combat Mission place a lot of emphasis on squad firepower?

    So if our militaries are expecting a close range urban fight, doesn't it follow logically that they would not require match grade accuracy in these instances?

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