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Von Lewis

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Posts posted by Von Lewis

  1. I have been playing TOW since the download and i'm having a ball!I'm playing the german campaign and have reached the ardennes mission.Last night i watched as a lone sniper crawled towards the allied trenches, took aim and wiped out an AT gun crew with perfectly aimed head shots. He then crawled towards the next AT gun, and as he could'nt get a LOS on the crew, he wiped them out with a well aimed potato masher! I

  2. Originally posted by Cuirassier:

    "I think i will be the first man in history to get divorced for spending so much time on a computer, WAITING for something to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    You could consider doing something worthwhile and productive then. Just a thought to kick around the old noggan.

    I just have. I have found out that is is noggin not noggan.
  3. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    I realize the original poster may well be writing with a scholarly disability or somefink, but it would have been much funnier to incorrectly spell existent as "extant" cuz, that's like a word and means the same thing, and stuff.

    сохранившийся, innit.
  4. I cant wait for battlefront to tell us about the next ground breaking game that never gets released.I think i will be the first man in history to get divorced for spending so much time on a computer, WAITING for something to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Originally posted by Moon:

    [QB] Small correction: CMAK has not been released in US retail until, uh, last week thursday in a Special Edition, distributed by CDV USA smile.gif

    That is no coincidence by the way - Battlefront always releases games online-only first and goes retail much later usually. The T72 tank simulation for example has been released a couple of months ago here, but you won't see it in stores in most countries until next year (through Strategy First).

  6. Originally posted by Kurtz:

    Yes, of course they have. It's not mandatory to have nazi images in the UK, is it?

    Why do they have a right to remove part of a game because it may upset sensibilities in Germany?Historically Nazism was a fact(you would'nt be playing Combat Mission otherwise!)and is it right to remove that aspect of the Second World War from the game?
  7. Originally posted by mrpwase:

    Yes, but other people will have found it appropriate and right. Anyway, there were mods for CM1 that replaced all the Nazi and SS insignia, and I assume some will be made for CMx2.

    Does it really matter that much?

    Only to keep the games historical accuracy.It could be argued that the Soviet Union was as ideologically warped as Nazism and caused the death of far more people. Why show the Soviet flag?
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