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Posts posted by Q

  1. I was hoping some helpful grog could help me decode some cryptic portions of a 1944 Canadian army orders sheet (I'm doing some family history research). I've had only partial success finding definitions online.

    When indicating strength increases or decreases an entry of the form 'TOS from...' (for increase) 'SOS to...' (for decrease). I was wondering what the TOS and SOS stood for.

    Most of these are followed by some coded list and what looks to be a unit designation for example '...to X-3 list (1RHC)'. 1RHC is presumably Royal Highlanders of Canada, RCASC for Royal Canadian Army Service Corps etc. But can anyone shed light on the 'X' lists? I've seen:

    X-2 (detained?)

    X-3 (wounded/sick?)

    X-4 (no idea?)

    X-6 (mia?)

    There may be others, but I've only seen a few sheets.

    Thanks for any help.

  2. Well, thanks for the input and at least I know I'm not crazy. Or if I am, it's a group psychosis.

    My only disappointment was that while placing the bunker showed good quality sight lines, when the shooting started, the MG crew sat on its huge pile of ammo and smoked while enemy troops were pouring through the hillside it was supposed to be covering.

    I guess I'll have to experiment with the editor to see if I can get a feel for the terrain configuration that causes this.

  3. I've noticed a rare occurence where enemy targets will show 0% exposure, even in open ground. My units won't fire at all at such a target (presumably it's impossible to hurt them). I usually see this at a single spot for a single target.

    In one particularly annoying case I setup an MG bunker on the edge of a slope facing across the front line. Sight lines looked good (nice light blue LOS). But when the enemy finally showed, I wound up with 0% exposure across at least 4 tiles - scattered trees, rubble, several pieces of open ground and road.

    Anyone know if this is intentionally modelled this way? I'd love to know if there is any way to predict this may happen. I.e. are there certain slope configurations or intervening cover that make this likely.

  4. Interesting discussion - my two cents:

    Your modern tank divisions will win any battle they are in. Logistics and industrial production will still win the war regardless of what side they are on. It really doesn't matter much how many spares and support you bring back if the factories don't come with them. Eventually mechanical wear will do for the equipment the enemy can't hurt.

    More interesting is how do you deal with a modern armoured division with WWII weapons? Dozens of third world despots eagerly await the answer...

  5. Thanks Yskonin,

    The demo and the game implemented visual and sound effects of wind on trees (very soothing, if it wasn't for the sound of distant gunfire ;) ). I was hoping/fearing I would have to consider visibility into the wind during rain and snow, or watch my smokescreens get shredded in high winds. I'm struggling with little details like maneuver and concentration of firepower as it is...

  6. I just recently acquired CMBB and was wondering about some of the additional weather effects that were added since CMBO.

    The manual lists some temperature effects for fatigue, optics, and MG jams. Nothing is listed for extreme cold effects on personnel or vehicles. Any sign this was modelled in the game?

    I also couldn't find any mention of in-game effects of wind. I might expect real-life effects on sound contacts, spotting (in bad weather), or smoke dispersal. Is any of that modelled as well?

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